- 0
As a user with spontan postohm, I would like to define my own groups to easily see if groups of people are in Hubben.
#108 opened by SkepparAbbe - 0
Send email to digIT when things are about to break
#107 opened by ViddeM - 0
Opt out from being seen, but still get hours tracked
#105 opened by simon-wg - 0
All time and study year stats desyncing
#104 opened by ide-1 - 1
As a user, i would like to see HookIT at the bottom of the page so it does not disturb the flow of rest of the commitees
#93 opened by erikpersson0884 - 0
Potential bug in month calculation
#100 opened by ViddeM - 0
As a gemene teknolog, i would like a page for overall statistic, so i can see when the most people are in the hub etc.
#94 opened by erikpersson0884 - 0
As somebody in a committe, I want to be able to change the banner for that committe without having to create a pr
#92 opened by erikpersson0884 - 0
Weird alignment of groups
#86 opened by x183 - 0
Cropping screen on galaxy fold
#72 opened by carltoreborg - 2
No way to blacklist MAC-addresses
#69 opened by x183 - 2
- 0
Fix stat page for summer period
#66 opened by jerge - 2
My stats tab is active on other peoples user stats
#21 opened by ViddeM - 1
Last session was X minutes ago, even though I'm listed as currently in the hub on the start page
#50 opened by Hoidi - 0
- 0
I want my row on the front page to stick out compared to the rest so that I can quickly see if I'm in the Hubben, kind of like on the scoreboards
#61 opened by Hoidi - 2
README pretty much nonexistent
#38 opened by x183 - 1
GetEarliestDate in cache has broken default
#43 opened by ViddeM - 4
Last session overflows. Too many lines
#51 opened by Hoidi - 1
Cache seems weird...
#35 opened by ViddeM - 1
"Last session" show Nov 4th regardless of user
#32 opened by HenrikssonErik - 1
Mobile adaption
#20 opened by ViddeM - 1
Show users online status on stats page
#19 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 1
- 1
My stats page missing "Average time per day"
#3 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 1
Round up/down
#48 opened by HenrikssonErik - 1
Wrong number of smurfs
#36 opened by HenrikssonErik - 1
I would like to see total time in stats page displayed as hours instead of days, just like in old hubbit
#34 opened by Kaffe-work - 0
- 0
Improve formatting of recent sessions
#27 opened by ViddeM - 2
My stats page missing last sessions
#2 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 1
Deleting device does not work
#16 opened by ejohnsson6 - 0
- 0
Add loading indicator
#6 opened by ViddeM