Node/Backbone forms a powerful combination for building single page web applications that scale. Because of these two project's popularity, there are several great boilerplate projects out there, but all for either Node or Backbone seperately. This project aims to integrate these two worlds (Backend and Frontend) making it easy to start building next generation web applications.
The most prominent technologies are:
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Mongoose.js / MongoDB
- Backbone.js
- Marionette.js
- Require.js
Ensure you have installed the basic pre-requisits on your machine. (git, node, npm, mongoDB)
// on *unix systems sudo apt-get install git nodejs npm mongodb-server // mongoDB install instructions
Get the project source code from GitHub
git clone webapp cd webapp
Install node package dependencies
npm install
Run the DB script to populate the DB
cd /pathtomongo/bin mongo localhost:27017 /pathtoapp/app/config/db-scripts.js
Start the server
node server.js
Point your browser to localhost:3000
login with user/password: admin / admin
Optional step. If you want, install nodemon ( to listen for changes to files & redeploy automatically. Then start the app:
nodemon server.js