
A fun quick web scraping project to aggregate the results from multiple job boards.

Primary LanguagePython

Job board scrape tool

A tool made to aggregate the searches of multiple job boards. Written in python.

All packages can be installed via: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Required python

Only works with python3.6 You can check your current python with python --version or python3 --version

Required Packages

  • Requests
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • sqlalchemy
  • python-crontab

pip3 install beautifulsoup4 sqlalchemy requests python-crontab

Running the tests

From the top level directory:

python -m unittest tests/tests.py for the unit tests

python -m unittest tests/functional_tests.py for the end-to-end/functional tests

python -m unittest discover -s tests -p '*tests.py' for all tests.


Every day at a given time, the app will scrape a single page of all of the supported sites. At another time, the app will email all of the results from a specified email of your choice to another given email of your choice.

How to use

After the tests all run successfully, run the following from the project directory:

python -m scheduleCron

And your jobs will be generated.


Given that right now it uses cron and not anacron, the machine this is on has to always be running. There are plans to set up anacron in the future.