The order-up service handles all order-specific calls including creating orders, checking the status on orders, etc. This service is part of a larger microservice backend for a online marketplace.
- Download Docker.
- install Go
- Pull repository
- Run
go mod tidy
in repository folder cp .env.example .env
- Fill with appropriate values for mongo database- Start mongodb,
docker run --rm -it -p 27017:27017 mongo
- Run project -
go run main.go
- Open browser and check
- Run curl/postman against localhost:8888 the following:
POST localhost:8888/orders
"customerEmail": "",
"lineItems": [
"description": "A sponge.",
"priceCents": 500,
"quantity": 50
"description": "ACME baking kit! For all of your roadrunner needs!",
"priceCents": 1234,
"quantity": 3
(Record the id from the response)
GET localhost:8888/orders/{order_id}
- These are external services. You will need to set them up separately.
- (Insert hypothetical instructions on how to set up external service here. I didn't make time for this, but you could do it locally via a mock server or similar.)
GET /orders - retrieves a list of orders and their statuses
Status codes: 200,
# Example Response - 200
"orders": [
"id": "order-1",
"customerEmail": "",
"lineItems": [
"description": "A really awesome laptop",
"priceCents": 123000,
"quantity": 1
"status": 0
"id": "order-2",
"customerEmail": "",
"lineItems": [
"description": "A sponge.",
"priceCents": 500,
"quantity": 50
"description": "ACME baking kit! For all of your roadrunner needs!",
"priceCents": 1234,
"quantity": 3
"status": 1
# Example response: 400
"error": "unknown value for status: invalid"
POST /orders - inputs a list of line items in database as an order.
Status codes: 200,
# Example Request
"customerEmail": "",
"lineItems": [
"description": "A sponge.",
"priceCents": 500,
"quantity": 50
"description": "ACME baking kit! For all of your roadrunner needs!",
"priceCents": 1234,
"quantity": 3
# Example Response
"id": "order-abc",
"customerEmail": "",
"lineItems": [
"description": "A sponge.",
"priceCents": 500,
"quantity": 50
"description": "ACME baking kit! For all of your roadrunner needs!",
"priceCents": 1234,
"quantity": 3
"status": 0
# Example Response - 400
"error": "invalid customerEmail"
"error": "an order must contain at least one line item"
"error": "an order's total cannot be less than 0"
# Example Response - 409
"error": "order already exists"
GET /orders/:id - gets an order by id Status codes: 200,
# Example Response - 200
"id": "order-abc",
"customerEmail": "",
"lineItems": [
"description": "A sponge.",
"priceCents": 500,
"quantity": 50
"description": "ACME baking kit! For all of your roadrunner needs!",
"priceCents": 1234,
"quantity": 3
"status": 0
# Example Response - 404
"error": "not found"
POST /orders/:id/charge - charges a given order. Returns the charge in cents (USD). Status codes: 200,
# Example Request
"cardToken": "amex"
# Example Response
"chargedCents": 5300
# Example Response - 409
"error": "order ineligible for charging"
POST /orders/:id/cancel - cancels a given order and issues a refund. Status codes: 201,
# Example Request
"cardToken": "amex"
# Example Response - 201
"orderStatus": "cancelled",
"chargedCents": -4500 # Negative if a refund has been issued.
# Example Response - 409
"error": "order has already been fulfilled"
PUT /orders/:id/fulfill - fulfils a given order by fulfilling all of the relevant line items. Returns the final status of the order after fulfill attempt.
# Example request
# Example Response - 200
"fulfilled": "true"
# Example Response - 400
"error": "order cannot be fulfilled, order has not been charged."