
trying to build multi-app containers for Dash

Primary LanguagePython

A fork of https://github.com/ericcgu/Flask_Dash_Container

Added extra items to requirements.txt in order to get this to correctly build and run. Demos a sample StockTicker app (renamed app.py) which originated on Jose Portilla's Dash course in Udemy.


This is essentially a fork of the Stock Ticker with two apps now. Second one is Eric's simple graph.

Added second container for the app1 called "dash1" in the docker-compose.yml.

    container_name: dash1
    restart: always
    build: ./dash1
    - "8500:8500"
    command: gunicorn -w 1 -b :8500 app1:server


A Nginx and Python Flask Container used for bootstraping continuous deployment of Dash / Plot.ly Applications. Requires :

What is Dash? mmmm

Dash Web Applications combine the full power and best features of Plot.ly, Python, React.js and Flask.


Code Example

/bin/bash run_docker.sh

  1. It will kill all running docker processes.
  2. Will start all required containers in background




Requires Docker and Docker Compose

Run on EC2

Launch micro-T2.micro Ubuntu image.

Get ssh keys

SSH in and


  • git
  • docker
  • docker-compose

git clone (this repo) in a directory of your choice (/home/ubuntu/your_playground)

Once successfullly cloned

There will be a run_docker.sh file where you cloned into.

Run it as such:

/etc/bash run_docker.sh

From a web browser:

hit your ec2_public_address:8000

add 8000 for the port

The app is a stock plotter using Dash. It grabs price info from IEX using pandas_datareader. The dropdown stock symbors are populated by reading in the NASDAQ ticker symbols from a file in the same directory.