Production Setup

Virtual Environments for Both Tests

  1. Bring up all the containers: docker-compose up --build -d

Programming Test Stack

  1. Migrate backend DB: docker-compose exec programming-backend bin/cake migrations migrate
  2. Browse to http://localhost in your browser and click the START button


  • Frontend starts at port 80, backend start at port 8080
  • The frontend will connect to the backend at the url http://localhost:8080, config can be changed at docker-compose.yml
  • Backend port can be changed at docker-compose.yml

SQL Improvement Test Environment

  1. Enter virtual environment: docker-compose exec sql-improvement mysql -uroot
  2. Run SQL setup script: source /mysql/setup.sql; use sql_improvement;
  3. Run the improvement: source /mysql/benchmarks/improved.sql


  • Answer and explanation in B-SQL_Improvement/
  • Sometimes you might get the error ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2), this is because the server is still starting up, just wait a few more minutes and try again.
  • In order to get a more accurate results, you should run source /mysql/benchmarks/improved.sql at least 10 times to compare the results.

Development Setup

Programming Test Backend

  1. Bring up the containers: docker-compose -f up --build -d
  2. Run composer from within the container: docker-compose -f exec programming-backend composer install
  3. Migrate backend DB: docker-compose -f exec programming-backend bin/cake migrations migrate
  4. Fix permission: sudo chmod -R 777 A-Programming/card-backend/tmp


  • DB start at port 3306, backend server start at port 8080, make sure that these ports are not used by other applications.
  • Ports can be changed in

Programming Test Frontend

  1. Change directory: cd A-Programming/card-frontend
  2. Install dependencies: yarn install
  3. Start development server: yarn dev


  • Development server start at port 3000, make sure that the port is not used by other applications.
  • Frontend assumed that backend API is at port http://localhost:8080, can be changed at A-Programming/card-frontend/config/system.js.


  • Seed DB: docker-compose -f exec programming-backend bin/cake migrations seed

Some helpful commands below:

  • Invoking cake commands: docker-compose -f exec programming-backend bin/cake <command>