
a small javascript library to display OpenStreetMaps on browser and mobile

Primary LanguageJavaScript


(WIP! See WIP status...)

ZMAP is a minimalistic library to render interactive maps similar to Leaflet.js, OpenLayers or MapBox made in plain vanilla javascript by ExponentialWorks.

ZMAP is just the core functionality that most of us really need. Is meant to be minimal, without dependancies, no third-party libraries and just good old javascript code that works in most mobile and desktop browsers. (It doesn't even use any of ES6 sassy constructs or syntax!!!)

The code is easy to hack and modify. The zmap library doesn't require any special development environment or build tool chain.

Our goal is to keep the code base small and compact, we include the features most commonly used and make many assumptions about the use cases to simplify the code.

ZMAP is build to work out of the box with OpenStreetMap (OSM) and OSM APIs like Nominatim and Overpass. (You may also use other tile providers slippy maps.) A lot of the code follows OSM coneventions. The code uses web-mercator (pseudo mercator projection), WGS84 and North American Datum with GRS80 (Geodetic Reference System Ellipsoid) of 6378137.

ZMAP include functionality for markers, polygons, circles, polylines, and many useful geospatial functions.

ZMAP was born from modestmaps the original library behind the early days of "mapbox". It attempts to have an API similar to Leaflet.js.

A lot of the fancy geospatial code in ZMAP is from the great mind of Chris Veness and his Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy tools .

WIP Status

Working on adding optional marker functionality for DHS's map symbology (incidents, natural events and operations).

Touch and pinch are implemented and working fine on my iphone but needs more testing in Android browsers in particular stock browsers.

I moved the polygon code to use SVG instead of canvas. This should allow to implement easier interactions with shapes on the map.

Ability to get a LatLng in UTM and USNG/MGRS/NATO coordinates is implemented. More work pending to add conversion from these coordinates.

ZMAP is build on the WGS84 datum/projection. Code is in place to be able to add support for other projections and datums, but not a priority.

Tile Cache is not smart and will keep growing as big as your browser allows it. This should not be an issue for most use cases but I want to add logic to purge cache by aging or size.

Add suport to create marker layer from a GeoJSON FeatureCollection or array of features.

Create a Map

<body onload="loadMap();">
	   <div id="mymap"></div>
function loadMap(){
	var map = zmap.create("#mymap", {
		zoom: 15,
		center:[18.427831712734044, -67.154815531596],
		maxZoom: 19, minZoom:1

	//add default OSM layer



A marker or pin adds an image to identify a specific location. A marker points to a location coordinate given in a zmap.LatLng.

	var marker = zmap.marker([18.427831712734044, -67.154815531596], {title: "Aguadilla"});
	marker.addTo(map); // adds the marker to the map

	map.panTo(marker); //pan the map to our marker

The function zmap.marker(LatLng, options) creates a marker instance.

Available options are (All options are optional...):

Option Type Description
iconURL string The URL of the image. Use an absolute or relative URL. When using a relative URL you must use "./". If the iconURL is just the name of an image file zmap will look for it in its assets folder.
iconSize array A basic array with the width and height of the image. Default value is [40,40].
iconAnchor array A basic array with the coordinates of the "tip" of the image relative to its top left corner. Default value is [20, 40].
title string A string for the browser tooltip that appear on marker hover. Default value is none.
alt string A string for the browser alt attribute. Default value is none.
opacity number The opacity of
cssClass string A css class name added to the marker's div.
cssStyle string A css style string used for the marker's div initial style.
buildMarker function An optional factory function to build the DOM representation of the marker. The function must follow the signature function(marker). This function must return a valid DOMElement or a string with the contents of the marker.
updatePosition function An optional function to allow you to recompute the position of the marker in the map view. The function must follow the signature function(marker, map).
refreshDOM function An optional function to allow you to rebuild the markers DOM. The function must follow the signature function(marker, map). The markers main domElement is a div available in the property marker.o.
html string Valid html content to be placed inside the marker's div.

A default marker is the pin image zmap-marker-red.svg from the assets folder. ZMAP also includes the zmap-marker-blue-svg and zmap-marker-green.svg and many others, check the assets folder.

We added some of DHS's map symbology for incidents, natural events and operations, mainly as they apply to common scenarios in Puerto Rico.

A marker is an event emitter:

 marker.on("click", function(map, marker, event, layer){
	console.log("I was clicked!!!");

ZMAP has a dedicated layer for markers, this layer is created automatically. When you do marker.addTo(map) it will be added to the marker layer.

You can create additional marker layers changing its type to overlay:

var layer = new zmap.markerLayer("overlay");

var p = zmap.marker([18.427831712734044, -67.154815531596], {title: "Aguadilla"});

p.addTo(layer); //add marker to this marker layer...


Create a layer with a line made from segments of locations.

var points = [
	[18.50121284350313, -67.02502423159602], //isabela
	[18.427831712734044, -67.154815531596], //aguadilla
	[18.380158622329404, -67.18936743159603], //aguada
	[18.395134387931233, -67.11445683159602], //moca

var lyPolyLine = zmap.polygonLayer.polyline(points, {});



var lyCircle = zmap.polygonLayer.circle([18.427831712734044, -67.154815531596], {radius:50, strokeWidth: 2});


if(map.getZoom() != 18){
	map.setZoom(18); //zoom out to see it better, will draw also
	//force a draw


//Since our data is from a GeoJSON "feature" object, we use zmap.polygon.fromGeoJSONFeature() to get a polygon
var poly = zmap.polygon.fromGeoJSONFeature(aguadillaFeature);

var lyPoly = zmap.polygonLayer.polygon(poly);


Represents a geographical location using latitude and longitude.

	//create passing a latitude and longitude in degrees
	var latlng = new zmap.LatLng(18.42783, -67.1548);

	//create with a latitude and longitude array pair
	var pair = [18.42783, -67.1548];
	var latlng = new zmap.LatLng(pair);

	//create from a latitude and longitude string
	var astring = "{18.42783, -67.1548}";
	var latlng = new zmap.LatLng(astring);

	//create form any object that has the properties lat and lng
	var anObject = {lat: 18.42783, lng:-67.1548};
	var latlng = new zmap.LatLng(anObject);
Methods Description
clone() Returns a copy of this LatLng object as a new instance.
toArray() Returns an array with two items for the latitude and longitude values.
toString() Returns a string representation of the LatLng.
toStringWithFormat(format, dp) Returns a string representation in a traditional format. The format parameter is a string. Use format "d" to get a string of the location in degree, ex: "018.4278°N, 067.1548°W". The format "dm" returns degree and minutes, ex: "018°25.67′N, 067°09.29′W". The format "dms" is the common representation of a coordinate, it returns the degree, minutes and seconds, ex: "018°25′40″N, 067°09′17″W". The format "n" returns the actual degree values similar to toString() with 4 decimal points, you may use the optional parameter dp to specify the actual decimal point precision.
moveBy(distance,bearing, earthRadius) Returns a new LatLng object moved by distance given in meters in a direction given by the angle bearing. The optional parameter earthRadius is the datum radius used in calculations the default is 6371000 for WGS84.
distanceTo(LatLng, maxMargin) Returns approximate distance between start and end locations in meters.
isInsidePolygon(locations) Returns true if this LatLng is inside a polygon defined by the array locations. Each element of the array is a polygon point in lat/lng coordinates eg: [18.42, -67.15].