- 4
- 2
P value reproducibility
#162 opened by jac-thom - 2
Understandig GESECA results
#161 opened by Teulip - 0
- 9
fgsea hangs forever for highly enriched pathways in the presence of repeated high scored genes
#151 opened by guidohooiveld - 5
How to prepare pathway used for fgsea function
#159 opened by yulchen810 - 2
Understanding the scoreType
#155 opened by alkurowska - 5
Error in preparePathwaysAndStats
#149 opened by TX-Xiao - 0
add rank plot for the GSEA plot
#158 opened by person-c - 6
fgseaMultilevelCpp doens't seem to be installed
#138 opened by G3N0M3 - 3
- 5
GSEA to discover mixed enriched terms
#154 opened by mauritsunkel - 5
Implementation question
#153 opened by mauritsunkel - 4
Question: Geseca output, column "size"
#152 opened by oswaldbra12 - 5
Spatial Code Error in base::colSums
#126 opened by DirtyHarry80 - 2
- 1
- 3
Try to understand how ES is calculated
#147 opened by ghbore - 2
Question: scaling size of spots
#146 opened by jyoo19 - 0
Gene filtering for FGSEA
#143 opened by SirKuikka - 0
Prepare for upcoming Seurat v5 release
#142 opened by Gesmira - 2
How to report for enriched gene sets?
#140 opened by Close-your-eyes - 1
minSize and maxSize
#139 opened by ag1805x - 7
Question: unbalanced gene-level statistic warning
#124 opened by TatiKarp - 1
Question: about scoreType = 'pos'
#123 opened by noblegasss - 1
Questions related to fgsea algorithm
#120 opened by lucolotto - 5
GESECA: Error following tutorial: 2 arguments passed to 'cumsum' which requires 1
#136 opened by grapefruitshark - 3
- 1
- 8
Question: Visium Data and pulling out cells with high GO enrichment for a given pathway
#127 opened by DirtyHarry80 - 4
Insignificant p-values
#135 opened by SirKuikka - 3
- 1
Does fGSEA require minSize as well?
#130 opened by MEladawi - 1
- 4
Error in calcGseaStatCumulativeBatch
#133 opened by kevincjnixon - 1
Stats should be named
#129 opened by been9312 - 2
Which genes should I use?
#131 opened by dekan-aleksandr - 2
Question: Understanding discrepant results when using different ranking approaches and algorithmic parameters
#128 opened by atakanekiz - 3
GESECA function not existing
#125 opened by DirtyHarry80 - 0
error: Value of SET_STRING_ELT() must be a 'CHARSXP' not a 'NULL' appearing when launching fgsea()
#122 opened by klai001 - 4
Use outside of R
#121 opened by maxkfranz - 2
Subset of genes
#119 opened by gjhuizing - 3
is there a plan to implement fast ssGSEA?
#117 opened by Yunuuuu - 2
p.val threshold error in collapsePathways ()
#115 opened by acaulier - 6
- 3
- 4
problem of fgseaMultilevel
#112 opened by FionaMoon - 3
Results are not reproducible
#110 opened by korommatyi - 5
Info on running multi-condition geseca
#109 opened by kvittingseerup - 2
enrichment score seems to have inverse sign
#108 opened by EBosi