
Static cross compiler based on musl.cc

Primary LanguageShell

Build a static cross compiler based on musl.cc

Following target architectures are supported :

  • x86_64
  • i686
  • armv7l
  • aarch64

Ingredients :

  • gcc : 6.5.0
  • binutils : 2.25.1
  • musl : 1.2.2

See https://github.com/ctn-malone/musl-cross-maker/releases for binary packages

By default, packages will be exported to packages directory, at the root of the repository

Build using Docker

NB : This is the recommended way

Run docker/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh script

./docker/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh -h
Build a static cross compiler and export it as compressed tarball)
Usage: ./build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh [-p|--packages-dir <arg>] [-a|--arch <type string>] [--(no-)force-build-image] [-v|--(no-)verbose] [-h|--help] [<commit-id>]
        <commit-id>: musl-cross-make commit id (ex: 53280e53a32202a0ee874911fc52005874db344b) (default: '53280e53a32202a0ee874911fc52005874db344b')
        -p, --packages-dir: directory where package will be exported (default: './packages')
        -a, --arch: target architecture. Can be one of: 'x86_64', 'i686', 'armv7l' and 'aarch64' (default: 'x86_64')
        --force-build-image, --no-force-build-image: force rebuilding docker image (off by default)
        -v, --verbose, --no-verbose: enable verbose mode (off by default)
        -h, --help: Prints help


./docker/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh -v

Above command will :

  • build a Docker image (only if it does not already exist) which will download and build necessary dependencies
  • run a temporary container and :
    • enable verbose mode inside the container
    • build a static cross compiler for default architecture (x86_64)
    • export compressed package to default location (packages directory at the root of the repository)
for arch in x86_64 i686 armv7l aarch64 ; do ./docker/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh -va ${arch} ; done

Same as previous command but will build packages for multiple target architectures

Build without using Docker

Run builder/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh script

./builder/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh -h
Build a static cross compiler and export it as compressed tarball
Usage: ./builder/build_and_export_cross-compiler.sh [-p|--packages-dir <arg>] [-a|--arch <type string>] [--(no-)force-checkout-musl-cross-make] [--(no-)force-build-cross-compiler] [-v|--(no-)verbose] [-h|--help] [<commit-id>]
        <commit-id>: musl-cross-make commit id (ex: 53280e53a32202a0ee874911fc52005874db344b) (default: '53280e53a32202a0ee874911fc52005874db344b')
        -p, --packages-dir: directory where package will be exported (default: './packages')
        -a, --arch: target architecture. Can be one of: 'x86_64', 'i686', 'armv7l' and 'aarch64' (default: 'x86_64')
        --force-checkout-musl-cross-make, --no-force-checkout-musl-cross-make: clone repository even if it exists (off by default)
        --force-build-cross-compiler, --no-force-build-cross-compiler: force rebuild (off by default)
        -v, --verbose, --no-verbose: enable verbose mode (off by default)
        -h, --help: Prints help



Above command will :

  • build a static cross compiler for default architecture (x86_64)
  • export compressed package to default location (packages directory at the root of the repository)