
Wrapper to execute command-line interface programs described by json files, using websocketd

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wrapper to execute command-line interface programs described by json files. It is meant to be run by websocketd

Requires QuickJS for compilation


  • it is meant to run under Linux (although it might work on Unix systems)
  • it does not offer any support for processing stdin (ie: it can only send stdout output over websocket)


  • reduces the number of instances of websocketd which need to be run (one instance is enough)
  • gives the possibility to define the tasks dynamically (through an http api for example)
  • static binary without dependency (except setsid binary which is likely to be installed on Linux)


cd src
qjsc.sh -o websocketd-controller websocketd-controller.js

This will produce a static binary named websocketd-controller

NB : when using vanilla QuickJS, a few extra steps are necessary to setup qjs-ext-lib

  • create a symlink named ext under src directory, pointing to the src directory of qjs-ext-lib repository
├── README.md
└── src
    ├── ext -> ../../qjs-ext-lib/src
    └── websocketd-controller.js


./websocketd-controller -h
Execute a task defined in a json file located in the context directory (--ctx-dir argument)

Script will get the task identifier by reading 'PATH_INFO' environment variable and 
get {task_id} by extracting the first part of the path

A file named {task_id}.json is expected to exist in context directory


Version 0.3.0

Usage: PATH_INFO=/xxxx websocketd-controller [-h|--help] [-c|--ctx-dir] [-s|--same-origin] [--strict] [--dry-run]
    -c, --ctx-dir (*):       directory containing json context files
    -s, --same-origin:       enforce same origin policy
                             If set, ws connection can only be opened from a page
                             running on same server. Requires below environment
                             variables (set by websocketd)
                               - SERVER_NAME
                               - HTTP_ORIGIN
    --strict:                return an error if json task contains an unknown or invalid property
    --dry-run:               only output a json representation of what would be executed
                             without executing the command
    --no-new-session:        by default, task will be run in a new session by calling setsid.
                             Use this flag if setsid is not available
    -h, --help:              print help

Binary is meant to be run by websocketd


websocketd ./websocketd-controller -c /tmp/tasks

We assume content of directory /tmp/tasks is as below (two tasks defined)

tree -h
├── [  59]  01.json
└── [  63]  02.json

0 directories, 2 files

Executing the task described in 01.json

    "cmdLine":"ping -c 3",

Connecting to ws:// will generate following ws frames

{"event":"stdout","data":"PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.","timestamp":1616687750596} 
{"event":"stdout","data":"64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=113 time=17.7 ms","timestamp":1616687750596} 
{"event":"stdout","data":"64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=113 time=17.4 ms","timestamp":1616687751597} 
{"event":"stdout","data":"64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=113 time=17.5 ms","timestamp":1616687752600} 
{"event":"stdout","data":"--- ping statistics ---","timestamp":1616687752600} 
{"event":"stdout","data":"3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms","timestamp":1616687752600} 
{"event":"stdout","data":"rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.422/17.536/17.695/0.115 ms","timestamp":1616687752600} 

Executing the task described in 02.json

    "cmdLine":"traceroute -n",

Connecting to ws:// will generate following ws frames

{"event":"stdout","data":"traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets","timestamp":1616688552094}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 1  * * *","timestamp":1616688552094}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 2  0.872 ms  0.966 ms  0.864 ms","timestamp":1616688552094}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 3  * * *","timestamp":1616688552094}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 4  0.983 ms  1.060 ms  0.667 ms","timestamp":1616688552094}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 5  1.021 ms  0.999 ms  1.402 ms","timestamp":1616688552095}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 6  0.606 ms  0.981 ms  1.056 ms","timestamp":1616688552095}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 7  1.381 ms  1.368 ms  1.213 ms","timestamp":1616688552095}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 8  1.125 ms  1.615 ms  1.150 ms","timestamp":1616688552095}
{"event":"stdout","data":" 9  2.277 ms  1.234 ms  1.169 ms","timestamp":1616688552095}
{"event":"stdout","data":"10  1.090 ms  1.110 ms  1.157 ms","timestamp":1616688552096}
{"event":"stdout","data":"11  1.619 ms  1.548 ms  1.499 ms","timestamp":1616688552096}

Json format

Following properties can be defined in a json file

  • [cmdLine] (string|string[]) : command to execute
  • usePath (boolean) : whether or not command should be search in path (default = true)
  • useShell (boolean) : if true, command will be run using shell (default = false)
  • shell (string) : shell to use (default = /bin/sh) (will be ignored if useShell is false)
  • lineBuffered (boolean) : if true, stdout & stderr events will be emitted only after a line is complete (default = true)
  • cwd (string) : if defined, controller will change to this directory before executing command
  • redirectStderr (boolean) : if true, stderr of the task will be redirected to stdout (default = false)
  • forwardStderr (boolean) : if true, an stderr event will be emitted whenever content is received on stderr from task
  • timeout (integer) : if defined, task will be killed after this number of seconds if it is still running
  • oneShot (boolean) : if true, task can be executed only once (ie: json file will be deleted afterwards)
  • forwardStdin (boolean) : if true, input received from client will be forwarded to process (default = true)
  • passwords (string|string[]) : used to protect access using one password or a list of passwords
  • env (object) : dictionary of environment variables to define for the new task

Following environment variables will be available to child process

  • all environment variables listed in https://github.com/joewalnes/websocketd/wiki/Environment-variables
  • all variables defined in env object
  • query string will be automatically parsed and a query parameter xx will be available as environment variable QS_xx
  • any %xx% in cmdLine or env value will be replaced with the value of environment variable xx (see examples below)

NB : password is a special query parameter used to perform access control (it will never be passed to child process)

Examples using %xx%

    "cmdLine":"ping.sh -i %QS_ipaddr%",


Following events will be emitted over the websocket


Event will be emitted upon receiving content on stdout from task

  • event (string) : stdout
  • data (string) : content received from task
  • timestamp (integer) : js timestamp (when content was received)


Event will be emitted upon receiving content on *stderr from task

  • event (string) : stderr
  • data (string) : content received from task
  • timestamp (integer) : js timestamp (when content was received)


Event will be emitted once the task is terminated

  • event (string) : exit
  • state (object)
    • exitCode (integer)
    • didTimeout (boolean) : whether or not task was killed after timeout
    • signal (string) : name of the signal used to terminate the task (only defined if task was terminated using a signal)
  • timestamp (integer) : js timestamp (when task was terminated)

Run unit tests

Run run.js under test directory

qjs.sh run.js