
Ansible role to clone and intelligently symlink a repository of *nix dotfiles into a configurable user directory.

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible Role Dotfiles

Molecule tests

This role clones one or more dotfiles repositories from Github (or wherever), scans each one for files, then symlinks each file into a specified user's home directory. If a allowlist is provided, only allowlisted files will be linked.

Breaking Changes

v2.0.0 includes what might be a breaking change: the playbook no longer symlinks directories, but continues to symlink files at any directory depth. The practical effect of this is that it's no longer possible, for example, to add .vim to a dotfile repository's allowlist and expect the directory to be symlinked into place. If the allowlist is empty, or if files within .vim are contained in an allowlist, those files will continue to be symlinked.

Role Variables

Variable name Default value Description
dotfiles_conf_dir .config/ansible-managed-config The name of the directory to clone dotfiles repos into. Created by the role if it does not exist.
dotfiles_repos [] A list of dotfiles to clone and use to create dotfiles in the user directory. See the following variables for the available properties of each item in the list.
.repo - The dotfile repo to clone.
.owner - The user name of the user whose account dotfiles will be linked into.
.group - The group name of the user whose account dotfiles will be linked into.
.name - The name of the repository. Corresponds to the dest property of Ansible's Git module.
.version - The branch name, release/tag, or commit id to checkout. Corresponds to the version property of Ansible's Git module.
.allowlist - A list of files from the repo to symlink into the user directory.
.denylist - A list of files from the repo not to symlink into the user directory. Files specified in both allowlist and denylist will not be symlinked.
.force_links - Whether or not to force the link creation (i.e. even if a file or directory already exists at the path).

Example Playbook

The following playbook creates/links:

  • Files, directories, and links in the home directory of the user molecule-1:
    • .ansible-managed-config/dotfiles
    • .gitconfig
    • .vimrc
  • Files, directories, and links in the home directory of the user molecule-2:
    • .ansible-managed-config/dotfiles
    • .vim
    • .zshrc

For more information and tests, see the repository's molecule/ directory.

- hosts: all
    - role: ansible-role-dotfiles
      - repo: "https://git@github.com/paulirish/dotfiles.git"
        name: "dotfiles"
        version: "master"
        owner: "molecule-1"
        group: "molecule-1"
          - ".git"
          - ".gitconfig"
          - ".vimrc"
      - repo: "https://git@github.com/paulirish/dotfiles.git"
        name: "dotfiles"
        version: "master"
        owner: "molecule-2"
        group: "molecule-2"
          - ".vim"
          - ".zshrc"
      - repo: "https://git@github.com/paulirish/dotfiles.git"
        name: "dotfiles"
        version: "master"
        owner: "molecule-3"
        group: "molecule-3"
          - ".zshrc"
        force_links: true
