
A role to simplify provisioning the "AMP" part of a LAMP stack on Ubuntu.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Ansible Role LAMP

Build Status

This role sets up the AMP part of a LAMP stack using geerlingguy.* roles.

The role does not provide any defaults, tasks, or vars. All roles are included as dependencies in meta/main.yml. The reason for this is Ansible's odd variable inheritance with included roles. In this kind of setup:

  • variables from defaults/main.yml are never seen by the dependent roles,
  • variables from vars/main.yml are not easily overriden from the parent role or playbooks that call it.

But with this setup, it is possible to provide variables:

  • from the calling playbook (see molecule/default/playbook.yml),
  • using group and host variables (see molecule/default/group_vars/ and molecule/default/host_vars).

The role itself only provides a single variable (see Role Variables below) that are used to determine which roles to run (by default, we run weareinteractive.apt, ctorgalson.files, ctorgalson.ssl, geerlingguy.mysql, geerlingguy.apache, geerlingguy.php, and geerlingguy.composer).


This role has no special requirements.

Role Variables

Variable name Default value Description
lamp_configure ['apt', 'files', 'ssl', 'mysql', 'apache', 'php', 'composer'] A list 'AMP' items to configure. Possible values include apache, apt, files, ssl, fpm, mysql, php, and composer


This role includes several Galaxy roles as dependencies. For details on how to configure them, see each role's specific documentation:

Role Use

  1. Many of the variables shown here could be stored in group_vars/ and/or host_vars/--especially when provisioning multiple servers! (see molecule/default for a working example)--and are only included to provide an all-in-one-place look at what's needed to use the role in a playbook.

    If the variables were stored elsewhere, this playbook could be as simple as:

    - hosts: all
        - role: ansible-role-lamp
  2. This playbook only handles setting up Apache, MySql and PHP. Other server configuration tasks such as security setup need to be handled by other tasks or roles in your playbooks.

  3. To exclude certain dependencies from execution, see Role Variables, above.

  4. Becuase the roles are declared as dependencies, they must all be installed/present. If you don't use many/most of the dependencies, this role may not be suitable for your use.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    # ctorgalson.files vars.
      - path: "/var/www/lamp/web"
        state: directory
        owner: "jenkins"
        group: "www-data"
        mode: "ug=rwx,o=rx"

    # ctorgalson.lamp var.
      - apt
      - files
      - mysql
      - apache
      - php

    # ctorgalson.ssl vars.
      - path: "/etc/ssl/certs"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: "u=rwx,go=rx"
      - path: "/etc/ssl/private"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: "u=rwx,go=rx"
      - src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/certs/lamp.crt"
        dest: "/etc/ssl/certs/lamp.crt"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: "u=rw,go=r"
      - src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/certs/lamp.key"
        dest: "/etc/ssl/private/lamp.key"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: "u=rw,go="

    # geerlingguy.apache vars.
    apache_remove_default_vhost: true
      - "expires.load"
      - "headers.load"
      - "rewrite.load"
      - servername: "lamp"
        documentroot: "/var/www/lamp/web"

    # geerlingguy.composer vars.
    composer_home_path: "/home/jenkins/.composer"
    composer_home_owner: "jenkins"
    composer_home_group: "jenkins"

    # geerlingguy.mysql vars.
      - "mariadb-client"
      - "mariadb-server"
      - "python-mysqldb"
    mysql_root_password: "lamp_root_password"
      - name: "lamp_db"
        encoding: "utf8"
        collation: "utf8_general_ci"
      - name: "lamp_user"
        host: "localhost"
        password: "lamp_user_password"
        priv: "lamp_db.*:ALL

    # geerlingguy.php vars.
    php_default_version_debian: "7.2"
    php_install_recommends: "no"
    php_date_timezone: "UTC"
    php_post_max_size: "64M"
    php_error_reporting: "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"
    php_display_errors: "Off"
    php_display_startup_errors: "On"
      - "libpcre3-dev"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-cli"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-common"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-curl"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-dev"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-gd"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-imap"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-json"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-mbstring"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-mysql"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-opcache"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-pdo"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-xml"
      - "php{{ php_default_version_debian }}-zip"
      - "php-sqlite3"
      - "php-apcu"
      - "php-redis"
      - "libapache2-mod-php{{ php_default_version_debian }}"

    # weareinteractive.apt vars.
      - repo: "ppa:ondrej/php"
        codename: xenial
        update_cache: true
      - repo: "ppa:ondrej/apache2"
        codename: xenial
        update_cache: true

    - role: ansible-role-lamp
