
An Ansible role for deploying Nextcloud using the official nextcloud snap.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An Ansible role to install and configure the Nextcloud snap. For simplicity, the self-contained, self-updating snap is unbeatable. You'll have to be ok with the Snap ecosystem, of course :)


The role has one requirement: the Ansible community.general collection.

Install this with ansible-galaxy install community.general.

The role has no other special requirements, but assumes an Ubuntu LTS server (18.04, 20.04, or 22.04 at present) server, and will install snapd if it's not already present.

The role makes no attempt to ensure the server is secure. That's your responsibility, and how you do it depends on the environment the server runs in. If it's the public internet, be careful :)

Role Variables

Note: some required variables deliberately left undefined so that the role won't run without them.

Variable name Required Default Description
nc_snap_install_channel yes stable The channel to use for installing the snap; options include beta, candidate, edge, and stable.
nc_snap_admin_user yes nextcloud_admin Username for Nextcloud admin user.
nc_snap_admin_password yes undefined Password for Nextcloud admin user.
nc_snap_nextcloud_data_dir no undefined Path to optional data directory outside the snap.*
nc_snap_trusted_domains yes ["localhost"] The set of domains for accessing Nextcloud.
nc_snap_letsencrypt_email yes undefined The email address used for Letsencrypt certificate generation.
nc_snap_letsencrypt_timeout no undefined Timeout value for letsencrypt task.
nc_snap_nextcloud_commands yes [] A set of arbitrary Nextcloud commands to run after the role tasks are complete.
nc_snap_nextcloud_connect_removable_media no false Whether or not to run snap connect nextcloud:removable-media with commands tasks.
nc_snap_nextcloud_connect_network_observe no false Whether or not to run snap connect nextcloud:network-observe with commands tasks.

* Storage outside the app is no longer unsupported, but the new -d option for nextcloud.manual-install doesn't actually work with any value other than the default. The setting is present and will be honoured if the variable is set.

If it doesn't work for you, your options may be limited to the storage space on the disk the snap resides on, but note that it's possible to enale external storage from within Nextcloud.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    # Login with this user.
    nc_snap_admin_user: "nextcloud_admin"
    # Login with this password.
    nc_snap_admin_password: "uQ21v6z22!6iho7h3n^4OxHnehXRbNDo"
    # Use this directory (perhaps a mounted external volume) for storage.
    nc_snap_nextcloud_data_dir: "/var/nextcloud/data"
    # Use only these domains to access the Nextcloud installation.
      - "localhost"
      - "example.com"
    # Use this email address for Letsencrypt certificate generation.
    nc_snap_letsencrypt_email: "example@example.com"
    # Run these arbitrary nextcloud commands after the playbook runs.
      - "status"
     - ctorgalson.nextcloud_snap



Author Information

Christopher Torgalson