
A simple role for installing the platform.sh cli tool idempotently

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Role Platform

Molecule Test

This role idempotently installs the platform.sh cli tool on Ubuntu/Debian systems.

Specifically, the role performs the following tasks:

  1. Clones the platform.sh cli repo in to a user directory,
  2. Runs the platform.sh cli installer,
  3. Removes the cloned repository,
  4. Runs platform self:update.

Role Variables

All of the following variables can be set, but only psh_user is mandatory.

Variable name Default value Description
psh_user example The user to install the cli tool for.
psh_user_home /home/{{ psh_user }} The path to the user's home directory. Should not normally need changing.
psh_user_shell /bin/bash Path to the user's shell.
psh_user_rc_file {{ psh_user_home }}/.bashrc The rc file to add platform.sh cli configuration to.
psh_repo https://github.com/platformsh/platformsh-cli.git The github url to the repository. Should seldom need changing.
psh_dest {{ psh_user_home }}/platformsh-cli The temporary location for the repository on the remote system.
psh_bin {{ psh_user_home }}/.platformsh/bin/platform The path to the platform binary, post-install.

Example Playbook

- name: Install platformsh-cli tool.
  hosts: all
    psh_user: "molecule"
    - name: "Include ansible-role-platform"
        name: "ansible-role-platform"



Author Information

Christopher Torgalson