
Demonstrates the use of Grunt to download and modify a css file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Grunt demo: download file(s), replace text, and save to directory

This repository demonstrates how to use Grunt to download a css file from a public url, replace text in file paths, and save the modified file to a specified directory.

Install required software

  • npm: to use Grunt its necessary to install node and npm.
  • grunt-cli: with npm installed, run npm install -g grunt-cli.

Run demo

  • Customize the cssDownloads variable in Gruntfile.js.
  • Navigate to the directory containing Gruntfile.js in a terminal.
  • Run npm install.
  • Grun grunt css.

Set up for production

Incorporate Gruntfile.js into your repository.

To use this in a project, it will be necessary to copy Gruntfile.js and package.json (if the project does not already use grunt), or add the contents of Gruntfile.js and package.json into the project's existing Gruntfile.js and package.json files.

Customize Gruntfile.js

There are several variables used in Gruntfile.js. Some or all of these will need to be customized:

Name Type Default Value Description
cssDownloads Array [ http://example.com/assets/css/app.css ] An array of urls to publicly available files to download.
tempDownloadDir String tmp/ Path (relative to the directory containing Gruntfile.js) to a temporary directory to download files to. Should be added to .gitignore.
assetPathPattern RegExp /(\/assets\/)/g Regular expression for the pattern of text to replace in file paths in downloaded files.
assetPathReplacement String /path/to/application$1 Text to replace in file paths in downloaded files. May include backreferences to assetPathPattern.
applicationCssdir String build/ Path to directory where modified files should be written.

Install npm dependencies

With the required software installed, and variables customized, navigate to the directory containing Gruntfile.js in a terminal, and run npm install.

Run grunt tasks

With the required software installed, variables customized, and dependencies installed, navigate to the directory containing Gruntfile.js in a terminal, and run grunt css.