
Primary LanguageCSS

Vim WTF Build

This site is built with npm, bower, jekyll, grunt and compass. These components are used for the following purposes:

  • npm: set up the environment for grunt (@see package.json)
  • bower: manage frontend packages—mainly foundation, jquery and font-awesome in this case (@see bower.json; note that we never edit the files in bower_components)
  • jekyll: builds the static site (@see _config.yml)
  • compass: makes css from sass (@see config.rb; note: I haven't confirmed that this file is even being used since I'm running compass from grunt)
  • grunt: currently used for the following tasks (@see Gruntfile.js):
    • run compass
    • concatenate, and minify/uglify javascript files
    • copy javascript files
    • run Jekyll

To use it

  1. clone this repo
  2. run npm install
  3. run bower install
  4. run grunt (builds jekyll site for first time)
  5. run grunt dev (runs compass, ugfy and jekyll serve --watch &)
  6. make a post or make a change to _scss/_settings.scss etc
  7. visit the site

