
Small python script to download and arrange the file structure for a new Drupal project using VLAD.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Small python script to download and arrange the file structure for a new Drupal project using VLAD.

Developed mainly against Ubuntu 15.04, but should work as well on recent OSX versions.

Sample workflow

The project envisions a workflow like this (especially for quickly getting up-to-speed on existing projects):

$ mkdir example.com
$ cd example.com
$ cp ../example_drupal.sql example_drupal.sql
$ git clone git@github.com:ctorgalson/vlad-project.git
$ ./vlad-project/setup.py git@github.com:username/example.com.git
$ cp ../settings.php example.com/docroot/sites/default/settings.php
$ cd vlad
$ vagrant up
$ cd ..
$ cp vlad-project/tools/* .
$ npm install
$ grunt


This setup involves three permanent git repositories:

  1. The repository of the actual Drupal project ("example.com" above),
  2. The repository of the Vlad configuration (created by setup.py),
  3. The Vlad repository (as a submodule of the Vlad configuration repository).

This makes it possible to:

  1. Keep the development environment configuration out of the main Drupal repository, but
  2. Maintain a shareable development environment repository, and
  3. Make use of upstream updates to Vlad.

Sample workflow explained

The Sample workflow section above performs the following tasks:

mkdir example.com

  • Creates the project directory.

cd example.com

  • Make the new project directory the current working directory.

cp ../example_drupal.sql example_drupal.sql

  • Copies a Drupal database dump from some other directory to the current (project) directory.

git clone git@github.com:ctorgalson/vlad-project.git

  • Clones this repository into the project directory.

./vlad-project/setup.py git@github.com:username/example.com.git

  • Runs the setup.py script in this repository. The script:
    • Requests the following information:
      • The webserver hostname (e.g. example.dev),
      • Webserver hostname aliases: (e.g. www.example.dev,www1.example.dev),
      • The IP address for the box (e.g. or,
      • The name for the box (e.g. EXAMPLE).
      • The host synced folder (i.e. the document root of the project repository, e.g. example.com/docroot),
      • The synced folder type (e.g nfs or possibly rsync),
      • The database name (e.g. example_drupal.sql),
      • The database import up setting (i.e. whether or not to import a databse dump into the database, e.g. example_drupal.sql),
    • Creates a file at settings/vlad_settings.yml. A sample version of this file, vlad_settings.example.yml can be found in the root of this repository.
    • Copies the database dump (if one was provided) into the location expected by Vlad.
    • Copies the drupal.yml Ansible playbook into place in the project directory.
    • Initializes a git repository (including a .gitignore file) in the project directory that:
      • Ignores the main project, adds the ./vlad directory as a git submodule, and adds all other non-excluded files to the repo.
    • Clones the github project provided into the project repository.

cp ../settings.php example.com/docroot/sites/default/settings.php

  • Copies a drupal settings.php file into the appropriate location in the project.

cd vlad

  • Changes the working directory to ./vlad.

vagrant up

  • Starts the virtual machine (this will take some time at the beginning).

cd ..

  • Returns to the project directory.

Optional: cp ./vlad-project/tools/* .

  • Copies two files, package.json and Gruntfile.js into the project directory. The Grunt file can be used to auto-rsync the Vagrant synced folder in cases where a) synced_folder_type is set to rsync, and b) rsync can't be made to work in another way. See next steps.

Optional: npm install

  • Installs Grunt dependencies.

Optional: grunt

  • Runs Grunt watch task.