Picnic is a .NET Core class library offering simple CMS functionality along with an embedded management interface. Simply install the package, add a few lines of configuration, and your app is content enabled.
Most of the existing content platforms and frameworks available are either too complicated, too restricted, or not easily used alongside an existing application. When you have a simple app that requires content management and you don't want to invest in new technology, Picnic saves the day.
It allows you to effortlessly create, manage and render both dynamic pages and inline content for existing ASP.NET Core web applications.
using Picnic.Extensions;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//...Existing configuration
// Add Picnic and Specify Json Store
// Configure the Auth Policy
services.AddAuthorization(options => options.AddPolicy("PicnicAuthPolicy", policyOptions =>
// NOTE: This example allows anonymous access to the Picnic management interface
// Add your application's policy specifics to control access to the Picnic interface
policyOptions.RequireAssertion(x => true);
There is also an Entity Framework store that can be used like this:
Replace PicnicDbContext with your custom context if needed and make sure to perform other required steps to setup Entity Framework.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
//...Existing configuration
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
// Add the Picnic Catch-All Route to enable dynamic pages
Open a browser and go the following Url relative to your application root:
If you want to customize the root part of the path, you can do so when you call AddPicnic() like so:
services.AddPicnic(opts => opts.Manage.RoutePrefix = "cms").UseJsonStore();
Use the HtmlHelper extension method, Content() from within your razor View:
Install from Nuget
Install-Package Picnic
Picnic is copyright © 2017 Matthew Marksbury and other contributors under the MIT license.
Coming soon.