
Apache Spark Python wrapper to call simulation sub-process, including AWS EC2 init script to automate setup.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


These scripts were used to run a 500,000 year simulation on 50 x 32 core Amazon EC2 instances utilizing S3 for permanent storage and a bash script to automatically initialize each worker node. The Apache Spark Python job:

  • Creates an RDD of 500,000 years
  • Breaks the RDD up into chunks of 50
  • Distributes the RDD to the compute nodes
  • Each compute node:
    • Creates a run-time folder
    • Creates a run-time control file
    • Copies the binary and control file to the run-time folder
    • Runs the simulation
    • Zips the results
    • Copies the results to an Amazon S3 bucket


  • Tested on Ubuntu 14 and RHEL/CentOS 7.x.
  • Used the included init.sh (on Ubuntu) script to automatically configure each worker node by adding the script to the "User Data" section of Step 3: "Configure Instance Details" when setting up the EC2 instances
  • My setup was very specific, download ~ 50 GB of input data, the program to be iteratively run, and a template control file, however the init script demonstrates how something like that may be accomplished and it could be modified to perform any initialization you need to do.

Note: My experience has been that the aws command line tool is MUCH faster than the s3cmd utility. I use the aws command line tool in my bash init script and it copied, to each machine, ~ 50 GB of data to each worker machine in ~ 5 minutes - fast! I use S3cmd when downloading data from outside the Amazon AWS network because it is a very convenient utility.


runproc.py is the Spark Python job that I used to run the external process, zip the results and store the results out on Amazon S3. The command to run is the typical way one would submit a spark job (from the spark directory):

./bin/spark-submit --master spark://ip-your-aws-machine-ip:7077 ./runproc.py