This is a demo API built with Rails 5, representing a Trello-like application.
- Has many columns.
- Has many tasks.
- Belongs to a board.
- Has an unique position within a board.
- A column maybe rearranged within a board.
- Has many comments.
- Belongs to a column.
- Has an unique position within a column.
- A task maybe rearranged within a column.
- Belongs to a task.
Postgres is required.
Clone this repository.
CD into the directory.
Ensure that Postgres is running.
Run the following commands:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
To run the app locally, within the directory:
rails s
The host will be http://localhost:3000
To run tests:
An authorization bearer token within the http request headers is required for requests to all endpoints. Since this is a demo, here is the token: