This is a Vagrant/Ansible setup for running node red in conjunction with the freeboard dashboard.
Inspired by this Gist.
Install Vagrant and Ansible on your platform. Run
vagrant up
Point your browser to freeboard dashboard to see the plain dashboard, to freeboard websocket demo to see the websocket counter demo and to Node Red to access the Node Red configuration interface.
Uses upstart to start node red application.
Modify the vars http_port, install_path and run_as in the ansible playbook, if you want to use the playbook for installation on a non-vagrant machine.
The Ansible playbook can be used to install Node Red / Freeboard on a Beaglebone Black. Comment the variables for the Vagrant setup and uncomment the BBB settings. Hook up your BBB via USB as described in the Getting Started Section of the BBB website.
Append your ssh pubkey to the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the debian user on the BBB and test the login.
Create an inventory file with only the IP address in it.
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory provisioning/playbook.yml
This takes a while. If everything went ok Node Red should be available here. This setup was tested with a BBB that had already been in use. If you run into any problems please leave a description in the issues.