Records useful system state information, and compare to previous state if run with PHASE containing "post" or "rollback".
Usage: configsnap [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose print debug info
-V, --version print version
-s, --silent no output to stdout
-t TAG, --tag=TAG tag identifer (e.g. a ticket number)
-d BASEDIR, --basedir=BASEDIR
base directory to store output
-p PHASE, --phase=PHASE
phase this is being used for. Can be any string.
Phases containing post or rollback will perform
Example output:
# ./configsnap -t junepatching -p pre
Getting storage details (LVM, partitions, PowerPath)...
Getting process list...
Getting package list and enabled services...
Getting network details and listening services...
Getting cluster status...
Getting misc (dmesg, lspci, sysctl)...
Getting Dell hardware information...
Copying files...
Finished! Backups were saved to /root/junepatching/configsnap/*.pre