
Java Combinatorics Bundle

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java Combinatorics

A combinatorics library for Java, with a focus on fast iteration. Build Status Analytics


This project is now working for forward iteration. Upcoming improvements:

  • backward iteration for permutations (working for combinations.)
  • inlining of combinatoric engine handlers with ASM.

Mailing List

If you are using this project, it would be great to hear from you. I have set up a user mailing list on Librelist for any questions or comments. Simply email combinatorics@librelist.com to sign up.

Building from Source

To build this project, you will need Maven 3.0 and Java 1.6 or higher installed.

    git checkout git://github.com/ctrimble/combinatorics.git combinatorics
    cd combinatorics
    mvn clean install

Maven Dependency

To use this project, add the following dependency to your project.


Installing the CLI

I have included a homebrew formula for installing the CLI for this project. You can install the cli by first installing my tap:

brew tap ctrimble/homebrew-tap

and then install the comb command:

brew install --HEAD comb

Some Basic Examples

Counting Combinations and Permutations

This package provides a math utility class for computing the number of permutations or combinations for a given domain and length (k). In the following example, we will count the number of permutations and combinations of length 6 for the set {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4}:

    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricFactory;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricFactoryImpl;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombMathUtils;
    int k = 6;
    int[] domain = {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4};

    // create a factory and get the utilities.
    CombinatoricFactory factory = new CombinatoricFactoryImpl();
    CombMathUtils utils = factory.getMathUtils();
    // the math utils operate on the multiplicity of the domain, not the actual domain.
    int[] domainMultiplicity = factory.createGroupedDomain(k, domain).toMultiplicity();
    // the number of combinations of length k
    int combinationCount = utils.c(k, domainMultiplicity);
    // the number of permutations of length k
    int permutationCount = utils.p(k, domainMultiplicity);

Iterating Combinations and Permutations

Combinations and Permutations in this package are represented by the Combinatoric interface. This interface extends from java.util.List and adds methods to get the length and domain for the collection. It also adds access to a long size, since combinations and permutations are often larger than an int can represent. Here is an example of iterating all combinations and permutations of length 6 for the set {1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4}:

    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricFactory;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricFactoryImpl;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.Combinatoric;
    int k = 6;
    int[] domain = {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4};

    // create a factory and get the utilities.
    CombinatoricFactory factory = new CombinatoricFactoryImpl();
    Combinatoric<Integer> combinations = factory.createCombinations(k,  domain);

    for( Integer[] combination : combinations ) {
    Combinatoric<Integer> permutations = factory.createPermutations(k,  domain);

    for( Integer[] permutation : permutations ) {

Inverting Control with Combination and Permutation Engines

This package provides combination and permutation engines, which invert the iteration process. Instead of requesting the next combination/permutation from an iterator, an engine is created to drive the iteration process. As it iterates, the engine calls back to a handler with change events (swap, replace, init) and then calls evaluate() when the next valid state has been reached.

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricFactory;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricFactoryImpl;
    import com.xiantrimble.combinatorics.CombinatoricEngine;
    int k = 6;
    int[] domain = {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4};
    CombinatoricFactory factory = new CombinatoricFactoryImpl();
    CombinatoricEngine<Integer> permutationsEngine = factory.createPermutationsEngine(k,  domain);
    final List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
    final Integer[] state = new Integer[k];
    permutationsEngine.setHandler(new AbstractCombinatoricHandler<Integer>() {
      public void evaluate() {
        result.add(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(state, state.length))); 

      public void init(Integer[] newState ) {
        for( int i = 0; i < newState.length; i++ ) {
          state[i] = newState[i];

      public void swap(Integer newA, int ai, Integer newB, int bi) {
        state[ai] = newA;
        state[bi] = newB;

      public void replace(Integer newValue, Integer oldValue, int i) {
        state[i] = newValue;

    return result;

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