

Get Targets Rust supports

rustup target list | grep ios

Add new targets based on machines architecture

rustup target add x86_64-apple-ios


Dasel to query the name and bundle identifier from the projects Cargo.toml file.

brew install dasel

Run Simulator

Using a series of commands provided by XCode to launch without GUI.


xcrun simctl list
set -e

which dasel || brew install dasel
APP_NAME="$(cat Cargo.toml | dasel -r toml '.package.name')"
BUNDLE_ID="$(cat Cargo.toml | dasel -r toml '.package.metadata.bundle.identifier')"
BUNDLE_CMD="cargo bundle --target $TARGET"

# echo "Copying assets"
# if [ ! -d ../../assets ]; then
#     echo "Error: work dir must be iOS launcher directory before running this script"
#     exit 1
# fi
# cp -r ../../assets/ assets/

echo "Bundling app for iOS"
which cargo-bundle || cargo install cargo-bundle
xcrun simctl boot "iPhone 14" || true
open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app
xcrun simctl install booted "target/$TARGET/debug/bundle/ios/$APP_NAME.app"
xcrun simctl launch --console booted "$BUNDLE_ID"