
Backup files to Dropbox

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Backup files to your Dropbox. This script automates uploading a file or directory to Dropbox. Useful for automating backup.

A file will be uploaded as-is, while a directory will be zipped and uploaded as a single file.

Requires Python 3.9+


cd into the directory and

  • python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Get your API key by creating an APP on Dropbox
  • After you've created the app go to the apps console, select your app and click on the permissions tab.
  • Select the files.content.write permission (that's the only one this tool really requires)
  • Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
  • Go to the settings tab.
  • Find the App key and App secret and copy their values into a JSON file: ```json { "app_key": "...", "app_secret": "..." } ```
  • Save the secrets as a json file in the local directory named .secrets.json or pass the filename when running the script using the -s option.


You can always do python3 backdropper.py -h to get the following usage text:

usage: backdropper.py [-h] [-n NAME] [--do-not-overwrite] [-s SECRETS_FILENAME] target

Backdropper - Backup to Dropbox.

positional arguments:
  target                The file or directory to upload

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Alternative path/name to save the target under
  --do-not-overwrite    Do not overwrite name if this flag is set
                        Read secrets from file. By default look for .secrets.json in current directory


Upload a file to the backdropper folder

python3 backdroppper.py /path/to/target_file

Save file under a different name

python3 backdroppper.py /path/to/target_file -n new_name

Save file under a different name in a different folder

python3 backdroppper.py /path/to/target_file -n folder_name/file_name

Save all files in a folder into a zip file and upload it to a zip file with the folder's name

python3 backdropper.py /path/to/folder