
Convert Hebrew gibberish files/folders into UTF-8

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hebrew Gibberish to UTF-8 Converter

Convert Hebrew gibberish to UTF-8 For example, will convert ùìåí çðåê to שלום חנוך


python 3.8+

Quick Explanation

Encoding issues have plagued Hebrew filenames for years.
A quick Python line can convert to the all useful UTF-8:

bytes(gibberish_hebrew_string, "iso-8859-1").decode("windows-1255")

The rest of the script simply iterates over files and subdirectories and converts the names recursively.


> python gib2u.py TARGET

target can be a file or a folder


Run tests with the following command while in the project's root folder:

python -m unittest discover tests/ -t ..