This project aims to bring Unified Healthcare System to all citizens. This project is envisaged to bring all the medical records and history to one common platform. So that proper diagnosis of the illness is achieved with very little or no trouble.
We are focusing on the Hybrid model, wherein online consultations along with doctor's physical appointments can be booked, by maintaining the real-time schedule of individual medical practitioners and hospitals facilities. Making the process very fast and smooth with fewer documentations and more privacy.
There is a common database named Common Citizen Database (CCD) in which : ● Data Security: Unique ID is given to each patient, patient can upload his/her prescriptions/reports and a doctor can access it with a unique patient ID which is generated after a patient registers for the first time. All the data stored in Database is encrypted using a hashing function.
Prescriptions and Reports: Doctors can also upload Patient’s prescription/reports after diagnosis so that both the doctor and the patient can access it anytime/anywhere.
Appointment: The patient can book a doctor’s appointment from the available slots.
Advanced Detection & Diagnosis: All the X-rays / CT Scans which patient/doctor upload for advanced Deep Learning Diagnosis are also saved in the database along with their results (which is given by the trained models).
- Upload medical history securely
- Search doctors / hospitals & book appointment ( location based )
- Advanced detection & diagnosis (AI/ML)
- Online doctor consultation
- Schedule/Availability: Doctors can update their schedule/availability
- Education details
- Work details ○ Reviews
- Payment and invoices