
Manage users via Ansible

Primary LanguagePython


This role manages groups, its users and sudo privileges of the group. This way, focus is on service clusters and users grouping.

The role depends heavily on data structures that make sense for managing users, and sudo privilages based on service groups. The possibility of multiple groups existing in a system (system admins, service admins, regular users) is taken into account formulising this structure. The simplest road was taken with no extra manipulation on ansible configuration and complex hash maps.

Group variable example:

      name: beautiful_people
        - junior
        - tony
      sudo: ['/bin/bash', '/sbin/service nginx *', '/usr/bin/systemctl * nginx.service']

Take note of the sudo command list. Make sure that what you put in that array of commands are valid or you'll have a bad time.

SSH authorized_key file management management also part of this role, with the prerequisite that the key file is present in the role's files directory.


This is a stand-alone role.

Role Variables

The only needed role variable would be group_name. This is the name of the group definition as described above.


Supply SSH public keys in the playbook files/pubkeys directory and group variables in vars/groups.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: xyzrbt/users }
     - { role: xyzrbt/users, group_name: sopranos}
     - { role: xyzrbt/users, group_name: sanchez_and_smith }



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