Built with auditless/cairo-template
A minimal template for building smart contracts with Cairo 1.0 using the Quaireaux project defaults.
- No submodules, forks or other heavy machinery
- Uses the
binary for running tests - Built as a Scarb package for reusability
- Has reproducible builds using GitHub Actions
- Includes a standard Makefile for commonly used commands
Step 1: Install Cairo 1.0 (guide by Abdel)
If you are on an x86 Linux system and able to use the release binary, you can download Cairo here https://github.com/starkware-libs/cairo/releases.
For everyone, else, we recommend compiling Cairo from source like so:
# Install stable Rust
$ rustup override set stable && rustup update
# Clone the Cairo compiler in $HOME/Bin
$ cd ~/Bin && git clone git@github.com:starkware-libs/cairo.git
# Generate release binaries
$ cargo build —all —release
NOTE: Keeping Cairo up to date
Now that your Cairo compiler is in a cloned repository, all you will need to do is pull the latest changes and rebuild as follows:
$ cd ~/Bin && git fetch && git pull && cargo build --all --release
export PATH="$HOME/Bin/cairo/target/release:$PATH”
NOTE: If installing from a Linux binary, adapt the destination path accordingly.
This will make available several binaries. The one we use is called cairo-test
Follow the installation guide in Scarb's Repository.
First you will need to clone the repository or click the Use this template
at the top of the page to create a new repository based on the template.
Next, you will want to update the configuration files with the name of your project:
├── .cairo_project.toml
└── .Scarb.toml
The Cairo template currently supports building and testing contracts.
Build the contracts.
$ make build
Run the tests in src/test
$ make test
Format the Cairo source code (using Scarb):
$ make fmt
- The Quaireaux team for coming up with this configuration and especially Abdel for helping me with Cairo 1.0 installation
- Paul Berg and the foundry-template project which served as inspiration
- Last but not least, the StarkWare team for building the first smart contract language that is a joy to use
- ArgentX template is built as a fork of the compiler
- Eni's cairo1-template uses git submodules for installation
- Shramee's Starklings use the cairo1 crates as libraries and builds its own framework