
An interactive CLI wrapper for nile (OZ) and starknet-devnet to easily audit smart contracts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

As I like Brownie, stark_brownie

An interactive CLI wrapper for nile (OZ) and starknet-devnet (Shard-Labs) to help with testing and auditing smart contracts.

Ultimately this could just be incorporated with nile, however I had started this using starkware testing Starknet Python class, realized block and time management would be a pain, so just resorted calling nile functions and the starknet-devnet API from this tool.

How to use

  • Clone this repo inside the folder with contracts to audit/test
  • Compile contracts with nile (nile compile)
  • Launch a starknet-devnet node (nile node)
  • Launch stark_brownie.py and pass the abis path


  • call to call a view function
  • invoke to invoke an external function
  • send to send a transaction using an account contract
  • deploy to deploy a contract
  • declare to declare a contract class
  • setup to deploy a contract account -> you will need to set the env variables for them before launching the tool (export user1=1234)
  • debug to debug a tx from its tx_hash
  • timestamp to get the timestamp of the block
  • increase_time to increase the time of the next block (you can deploy a contract to move to the next block after this)
  • structs to print all of the structs of a contract
  • functions to print all of the functions of a contract
  • hex_to_felt to convert an hex to a felt
  • str_to_felt to convert a string to a felt
  • felt_to_str to convert a felt to a string


This is simply a wrapper around nile, so thanks to OpenZeppelin for writing the tool. Also thanks to Shard-Labs for starknet-devnet.