
A meme generator written in python and served as a command-line tool and with flask!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Conventional Commits Code style: black Imports: isort

A meme generator written in python and served as a command-line tool and with flask!


You can check the dependencies list int the pyproject.toml or in the requirements.txt

You have to install xpdf command-line tool. Check out here how to download and run xpdf.

For linux users: You don't have to install xpdf since it comes packaged with this repository!

Here's a dependecies list:

  • python = "^3.8"
  • python-docx = "^0.8.11"
  • pandas = "^1.4.3"
  • Pillow = "^9.1.1"
  • requests = "^2.28.0"
  • Flask = "^2.1.2"


If you use poetry just run poetry install --no-dev to install all dependencies. A virtual environment will be created and all dependencies will be installed.

Virtual Environment

To instantiate a virtual environment run the following commands:

python3 -m venv .venv

This will create a virtual environment in the .venv folder

Run source ./venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment.

Then run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all dependencies.

How to run

You can either run the meme-generator via the command-line tool or by running flask.

Command-line instructions

After installing and activate the virtual environment run the following command to generate a random meme:

python meme.py

You can pass the following argumets:

  • path: a path to a file.
  • body: the body of the quote.
  • author: the author of the quote.

you can pass arguments with the double dash!


python meme.py --body "To be or not to be" --author Shakespeare


After installing and activate the virtual environment run the following command to spawn a flask server:

python app.py

This will create a link that you can click to inspect the meme generator via browser!


Here you will find a description of all modules in this repository along with a brief description.


This module will ingest, open, read and parse multiple files of different type and will return a list of quotes contained in those files.


This class will open, reand and parse a CSV file. It uses pandas to parse a CSV file. It will return a list of quotes contained in the CSV file.


This class will open, read and parse a DOCX file. It uses python-docx to parse the file into a list of quotes.


This class will open, read and parse a PDF file. it uses xpdf to parse the file into a txt temporary file.


This class will open, read and parse a TXT file. It will return a list of quotes.


This class will check the file extension of the given file and will pass the file to the right ingestor.


This class is an interface that will act like a parent class for all ingestors sub-classes.


This class will take a path to where the meme will be saved as an argument when instantiated. If you call make_meme method on this class by passing the source image, the body of the quote and the author, it will generate a meme.


This class will represent a Quote. A Quote must contain a body and an author.