MEEGsim is a Python package that provides template waveforms for simulating M/EEG data with known ground truth source activity. In addition, it simplifies the manipulation of relevant simulation parameters (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio and source connectivity). As a result, the users can focus on what to simulate, not on how to implement the simulation. The package is compatible with MNE-Python and re-uses the forward and inverse modeling functionality provided by MNE.
Find more details about the package in the documentation. For a brief overview of the functionality, check the poster about MEEGsim that was presented at the CuttingEEGX conference (28-31.10.2024, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and online).
Clone the repository.
Create an environment (conda/mamba/virtualenv).
Switch to the project folder and install the package and all dependencies:
cd meegsim
pip install -e .[dev]
- You're ready to start now!
- Install the required packages.
pip install -e .[docs]
- Build the documentation.
make html
- Open it in the web browser.
make show