
Design of the tool:

###Milestone 1 We just used one visitor pattern to visit each TargetClass. After they were visited, we used a VisitCollection method to print the inheritance/interface relationships.

Milestone 1 UML Diagram milestone1uml

###Milestone 2 We added a RelationshipManager class to be the second visitor that happens once the classes are printed. This got rid of the VisitCollection method from Milestone 1, as the RelationshipManager can handle printing all relationships (Inheritance, Interface, Association, Uses).

Milestone 2 UML Diagram milestone2uml

###Milestone 3 We added MethodStatement class to store the relationship between classes for sequence diagram and SequenceDiagramMethodVisitor and SequenceDiagramTraverser class to recursively added relationships to generate sequence diagram.

Milestone 3 UML Diagram miletone3uml

###Milestone 4 Before writing the logic for milestone 4, we decided to refactor our design in a large manner. We added two strategy patterns: one for building the model, and one for writing it out. These strategies combined with an abstract InputCommand class act as a form template method design pattern. The project model uses the strategies from the InputCommand to do the program execution (Building/Writing). This allowed us to implement the following minimal changes for Singleton detection.

We extended the UmlDiagramOutputStream, then added a singleton detection method. It checks the TargetClass before it is printed out. If it passes the singleton test, then it is printed out differently. We are still working on singleton that is based on abstractFactory design pattern.

Milestone 4 UML Diagram milestone4uml

###Milestone 5 For this milestone, since we are dectecting adapter and decorator patterns, we added decorators for both pattern and modified Targetclass to detect the patterns.

We refactored the code so the ITarget class can recognize different patterns. The client side can simply modify three classes in out application to achieve detect a new pattern.

Milestone 5 UML Diagram milestone5uml

###Milestone 6 For this milestone, we added composite pattern detector class that is similar to all the other pattern detection classes. Once the pattern is detected, we called the decoration class for composite pattern and write the style to an output stream.

We also refactored the our design to so the singleton pattern is detected through visitor. This allows clients to have a more flexible control of the application.

Milestone 6 UML Diagram milestone6uml

###Milestone 7 GUI First, we added GUI for our project. Now we are able to determine what pattern, classes we want to detect in the GUI instead of code. We changed all the pattern detector. Therefore, user is able to setup his/her own preference, and store in our system. Each processing phase are now observable, therefore, we will have an real time update on our GUI. A proxy is used when generating diagram. All the class style are refactored, so user is able to add color or other configuration to the class and relation graph by using correct dot syntax.


##Milestone Deliverables

###Milestone 1 ######Lab 1-3 UML Diagrams Manual UML Diagram for Lab 1-3

Generated UML Diagram for Lab 1-3

######Project UML Diagrams Manual UML Diagram for Project

Generated UML Diagram for Project

###Milestone 2 ######Abstract Factory PizzaStore Generated UML for Abstract Factory PizzaStore

######Project UML Diagrams Manual UML Diagram for Project

Generated UML Diagram for Project

###Milestone 3 ######Collection Sequence Diagrams Manual Sequence Diagram for Collection

Generated Sequence Diagram for Collection

######Project Sequence Diagrams Manual Sequence Diagram for Project

Generated Sequence Diagram for Project

###Milestone 4 ######Singleton Java Classes Singleton Detacting Java Classes

Chocolate Boiler

Milestone 4 UML Diagram

###Milestone 5 ######In Class Lab Detection Lab2-1


Runzi's Simple Adatper

Generated Project UML

###Milestone 6 ######In Class Lab Detection Lab7-2

java.awt/ java.swing

Generated Project UML

###Milestone 7 ######GUI GUI screenshot

Generated Project UML

Tasks Log:

12/15/2015 All members met for designing milestone 1. 1h

12/17/2015 Collin & Coco implemented all the classes from the design

12/18/2015 Runzi & Collin added Dot utils.

01/05/2015 All members pair programmed the rest of the implementation and test.

01/06/2015 All members pair programmed milestone 2 for 6 hours.

01/10/2016 All members met up for 3 hours to refactor Milestone 2.

01/11/2016 All members met up for 2 hours to come up designs for Milestone 3.

01/13/2016 All members met up for 10 hours attempting to finish Milestone 3. But we didn't .....

01/15/2016 All members met up for 30 minutes to talk aobut new design.

01/17/2016 All members met up for 3 hours to redesign the entire project.

01/18/2016 All members met up for 2 hours and started refactor and code for the new design.

01/19/2016 All members met up for 3.5 hours continue working on refactoring and fixing bugs in the project.

01/20/2016 All members met up for 5.5 hours to finish sequence diagram (milestone 3) and finished milestone 4.

01/24/2016 All members met for 2.5 hours to refactor current code

01/25/2016 All members met for 3 hours to redesign milestone 5 and started implementation.

01/26/2016 All members met for 3 hours to add necessary classes for adapter and decorator.

01/27/2016 All members met for 7 hours to finish up milestone 5.

01/31/2016 Collin and Coco met for 1.5 hours to talk about the design and refactoring

02/01/2016 All members met for 2.5 hours to start refactoring the design so singleton is detected through visitor

02/02/2016 All members met for 3 hours and working on the algorithem of composite pattern. Finished up with adapter and decorator pattern.

02/03/2016 All members met for 7 hours to finish composite pattern and tests for miletone 5.

02/08/2016 All members met for 3 hours to fix composite pattern and GUI design.

02/09/2016 Collin worked on composite pattern and refactoring, Coco worked on GUI. Totoal about 2.5 hours.

02/10/2016 Collin and Runzi continue fixing composite pattern and adding test. Coco worked on GUI. Total about 4 hours

02/11/2016 All members met up for final touch for milestone 6.

02/15/2016 All memebers met up and talked about the design of the milestone

02/16/2016 All memebers met for 3 hours worked on refactoring of the class style and Coco worked on the GUI.

02/17/2016 All memebers met for 3.5 hours. Runzhi worked on the Graphviz dot style decoration and refactoring for relationship arrow color, Collin worked on pattern detection configuration and the observer pattern for phases. Coco continued worked on the GUI and outperformed all other members in every activity possible.

##Instruction of Running Code:

Under resource, by edting the config file, user can choose the specific file, packages, classes, output path, and phases. The application can be ran in DesignParser.