
Simple Two Line Element (TLE) API to try out different testing techniques

Primary LanguageJava


Simple Two Line Element (TLE) API created to try out different unit and API testing techniques.


This repository consists of the following components:


  • Package com.cindy.tleapi.astro - Contains simple Two Line Element Set parser.
  • Package com.cindy.tleapi.db - Contains simple Two Line Element Set database implemented in Derby.
  • Package com.cindy.tleapi.api - Contains simple Two Line Element Set API implemented using Javalin.

Java Tests

  • Package com.cindy.tleapi.test - Contains unit tests for the com.cindy.tleapi.astro (TestTleDB) and com.cindy.tleapi.db (TestTwoLineElementSet) packages implemented usint TestNG.
  • Package com.cindy.tleapi.restassured - Contains REST-Assured tests for the API.


  • TleApi Collection - Contains Postman queries used to test the API.




  • To update Maven dependencies and compile:

    > mvn compile

  • To create and load the database, run the LoadDB class in the com.cindy.tleapi.db package:

    > mvn exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.mainClass="com.cindy.tleapi.db.LoadDB"

This defaults to the "2019-006.txt" file in the data directory. If you want to import another element file:

`> mvn exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.mainClass="com.cindy.tleapi.db.LoadDB" -Dexec.args=<file name>"`

For example:

`> mvn exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.mainClass="com.cindy.tleapi.db.LoadDB" -Dexec.args="data\goes.txt"
  • To run unit tests on the database, run the TestTleDB class in the com.cindy.tleapi.test package.

    > mvn -Dtest=TestTleDB test

  • To run unit test on the TwoLineElementSet class, run the TestTwoLineElementSet class in the com.cindy.tleapi.test* package.

    > mvn -Dtest=TestTwoLineElementSet test

  • To start the API, run the ApiMain class in the com.cindy.tleapi.api package. The API will run on URL: http://localhost:8981/

    > mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.cindy.tleapi.api.ApiMain"

  • To run the REST-Assured tests, run the TestTleApi class in the com.cindy.tleapi.restassured package after starting the API.

    > mvn -Dtest="com.cindy.tleapi.restassured.TestTleApi" test

API Documentation

The TLE API is a REST API. It currently outputs two line element set parameters in JSON format. For details on the two line element set format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-line_element_set

List all Element Sets


Retrieves a list of all elsets in the TLE database.


Retrieves a list of all elsets in the TLE database on the given page, with the given page size. 'page' starts at 1 and must be > 1, with default = 1. 'pageSize' must be > 1, with default = 20.

List one Element Set


Retrieves one elset given a number. For example:



    "name": "MICROSAT-R DEB          ",
    "satelliteNumber": 44134,
    "classification": "U",
    "internationalDesignator": "19006V  ",
    "epochYear": 20,
    "epochDay": 174.41671131,
    "meanMotionDeriv1": 1.6095E-4,
    "meanMotionDeriv2": 1.4248000000000003E-6,
    "bstar": 1.9296000000000002E-4,
    "elementSetNum": 999,
    "inclination": 96.0467,
    "rightAscension": 333.7157,
    "eccentricity": 0.0479877,
    "argumentOfPerigee": 321.356,
    "meanAnomaly": 35.4204,
    "meanMotion": 14.85662621,
    "revolutionNum": 6578