
Base image for web applications running on a LAMP Stack

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

e3N Docker Web images

Based on the official docker images we did build a setup for easy setting up a local development environment for your php based web projects. This setup with bind mounts works on mac only due to different file permission and ownership handling on mac and linux. See for details:

What's inside


Based on the official php image we added some common things you need in projects based on symfony, magento or contao for example.
Comes with some comfort stuff which is often used when works needs to be done inside the container and an optimized php ini for development. The container adjusts the www-data user to match your host user id, so you want get permission problems. It reads the user and group id from your volume mount in the container which should be by default: /var/www/share/project. If you want to changed that pass the env var: PROJECT_PATH. Our docker compose examples work out of the box.

  • Pre installed and activated extensions:

    • iconv
    • gd
    • xml
    • intl
    • redis
    • pdo_mysql
    • zip
    • mcrypt (sodium for php 7.2)
    • xdebug
    • exif
  • Tools

    • Vi(m)
    • git
    • composer globally installed
    • globally installed symfony var dumper
    • gosu

In your docker compose file use:

image: ctsmedia/php:7.2-fpm

instead of

image: php:7.2-fpm

Apache 2.4

  • SSL enabled
  • Zero config for connection to php fpm
  • http2 enabled

Nginx Container

Coming soon

Compose Examples

See the compose-examples dir for some examples getting you started within minutes. Variable compositions of php 7.0, 7.1, 5, apache, mysql or mariadb, phpmyadmin and more.

How to enable xdebug

xdebug is not enabled by default due tue performance reasons expecially on mac. To enable it pass the following env variable: ENABLE_XDEBUG=true

for example:

docker run -it -e ENABLE_XDEBUG=true ctsmedia/php:7.2-fpm bash

See example docker compose files accordingly.

How to setup

  1. Grab one of the example composes files and put it into you project root / repository
  2. Rename it to docker-compose.yml
  3. Adjust the compose file to your likings (documentation inside)
  4. Run docker-compose up -d
  5. Access the http container (in general http://localhost:80, you can use docker ps to find the port. )

How to Build custom PHP image

  1. Adjust the Dockerfile to your likings
  2. Build the image. Replace the tag and php version docker build -t ctsmedia/php:7.2 --build-arg PHP_VERSION=7.2 .
