
gg – clone repos and retrieve data about users and repos from GitHub API and Gitlab API

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gg – good git

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Why git good when you can good git?

gg is a program that clones repos from GitHub and simultaneously retrieves and stores data about the repo, the owner, and the other repos that the owner has, and more, from the GitHub API. Oh and it also works with Gitlab.

Developing on macOS

Run jaeger Docker container with native OTLP ingestion

docker run -d -p16686:16686 -p4317:4317 -e COLLECTOR_OTLP_ENABLED=true jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest

Run the gg app

cargo run -- https://github.com/ctsrc/repotools

View traces at http://localhost:16686/

Ancient history

gg is the successor of one small pair of shell functions.

While the functions were still in use, here is what they most recently looked like:

func ghu () {
  # TODO: More robust
  user="$( echo "$1" | sed 's#^https://github.com/\([^/]*\)/.*#\1#' )"
  [[ -d "$ghudir" ]] || mkdir -p "$ghudir"
  cd "$ghudir"

func gh () {
  ghu "$1"
  #url="$( echo "$1" | sed 's#^https://github.com/\([^/]*\)/\([^/]*\).*#git@github.com:\1/\2.git#' )"
  url="$( echo "$1" | sed 's#^https://github.com/\([^/]*\)/\([^/]*\).*#https://github.com/\1/\2.git#' )"
  echo "$url"
  ts git clone --bare "$url"

Shell regexes were used, and then a bare clone was enqueued using task spooler. https://www.freshports.org/sysutils/ts/

It was a humble beginning. It did the most important thing which was to schedule git clone. But it did not retrieve additional info about the repo or the owner from API. Nor did it support Gitlab URLs.

It was time for something better. It was time for gg – good git.