Toy Transaction Engine

This is an implementation of a toy transaction engine according to a specification that was handed to me by someone for implementation.

The spec itself is not public, but I was told to make the repository public.

Code Organization Overview


The code in this repository is annotated with doc strings. To generate documentation and view it in your browser, run the following command:

cargo doc --open

A current copy of the generated docs is deployed with GitHub Actions after each push to the main branch of the toy transaction engine repository, and is available at

Besides the doc string annotations in the source, there are some relevant details in this readme as well. In particular, the following sections of this readme provides important information and context about the assumptions and the implementation of the code:

Running Tests

A number of tests are included with this program and its parts.

To run the tests for all parts of the code in this repository, run:

cargo test --workspace

Command-line Usage Example

The toy transaction engine takes a single argument, which is the path to a CSV file containing transactions. The program writes its output in CSV format to stdout.

In order to build and run the program you need to have the Rust toolchain installed. Install the Rust toolchain from and ensure that cargo is in your $PATH.

An example of using the program is given below, using a sample CSV input file that is included in the repository root. This sample data is from the spec, and I was told that it was ok to include sample data from the spec as long as I documented the fact that I have done so.

cargo run -- transactions.csv > accounts.csv

The resulting output redirected to accounts.csv from the command above looks like the following:


Note that as per the spec, the rows of data in the output is not guaranteed to be in any particular order.


In addition to the assumptions listed in the spec, I am making some further assumptions:

  1. We are not required to keep a record of the individual transactions themselves.
  2. We are not required to keep a record of the individual results of the individual transactions.
  3. Deposits and withdrawals are transactions between the system and an external party such as for example a bank.
  4. Users can dispute deposits, but they cannot dispute withdrawals.
  5. A frozen account cannot withdraw money.
  6. A frozen account is still able to deposit money.
  7. A frozen account is also still able to dispute, resolve and chargeback.

Assumption 4 requires some explanation: According to the spec, the dispute process goes down one of two possible paths; transaction -> dispute -> resolve, or transaction -> dispute -> chargeback. The chargeback, which is the final state of a dispute, says that funds that were held have now been withdrawn. Meanwhile, if the transaction under dispute was itself a withdrawal, and with assumption 3 in mind, we are not able to "unwithdraw" money that has been withdrawn.


This section of the readme gives a high level overview of the implementation. For more details about the implementation please see also the comments throughout the source code itself.

Note also that where applicable, comments in the source are doc comments, so that you can also run cargo doc --open --bin toy_transaction_engine_command in the repo root and browse the generated documentation to read such comments.

Handling of cases


As a consequence of our assumption that withdrawals cannot be disputed, we can "forget" the withdrawal transaction as soon as we have processed it.

If a withdrawal attempts to withdraw more than the available amount, then we return an error indicating that this is not allowed.

If the account is currently frozen then we return an error indicating this.


We need to remember deposits for a while -- potentially "forever" -- as they could later get disputed.


We need to remember disputes until we see either a resolve or a chargeback for the disputed transaction.

If a transaction is already under dispute then we will return an error indicating as much.

If a transaction cannot be found then we return an error indicating this.

If the client id of the user submitting the dispute does not match the client id of the user that created the transaction then we consider the dispute to be not valid. This situation is handled for us when we look for the transaction as we include the user id in the key that we look up transaction by.

A dispute for a past deposit can result in negative available balance on the account, if there have been withdrawals or disputes since the time at which the deposit was made. This is fine and expected.


When a dispute is resolved, we forget the dispute, but we keep remembering the deposit in case the same transaction is disputed again by the user.

If a current dispute cannot be found then we return an error indicating this.

(As with disputes, user id must match, and is handled because we include the user id in the key that we look up dispute by.)


When a transaction gets chargeback, the user shall not be able to dispute the same transaction again as the amount has been sent back to their third party bank account. Therefore, we forget about the dispute (and therefore also the transaction itself) after chargeback has been processed.

If a current dispute cannot be found when processing a chargeback then we return an error indicating this.

(As with disputes and resolves, user id must match, and is handled because we include the user id in the key that we look up dispute by.)

When the chargeback is processed, the total funds can become negative. This is expected. I guess that is part of the reason why the spec says to freeze the account of the user after processing a chargeback.


Assuming that the logic of the handling of the cases as listed above is correct, the implementation itself should also be correct. Transactions are processed serially in the order that they are read, with the code currently being single threaded, and we use std::collections::HashMap for the deposits and disputes that we want to remember, as well as for the accounts.

State of transactions

State of past transactions is handled by maintaining two collections of transactions; deposit transactions and dispute transactions. When a valid deposit transaction is received, we remember the transaction for as long as we do not yet see a valid dispute for the transaction.

When a transaction is disputed, we remove the transaction from our collection of deposit transactions and put an entry for the transaction in our collection of disputed transactions.

When a dispute is resolved, we remove the transaction from our collection of disputed transactions and put an entry for it back in the collection of deposit transactions, in case the transaction is disputed again in the future.

When a dispute is charged back, we remove the transaction from our collection of disputed transactions, and we then forget about the transaction as it cannot be disputed again in the future after it has been charged back.


After finishing the single threaded version of the program I will have a look at splitting up the work across the logical CPU cores of the host system. In the multi-threaded version of the program, we will read the CSV input on a single thread and we will use the client id when deciding which thread to send the transaction data for processing to. As such there will not be any synchronization needed between the transaction processing threads.