
CK workflow, portable packages and other artifacts for the ReQuEST-ASPLOS'18 submission:

Primary LanguageTeXOtherNOASSERTION

compatibility automation workflow License

This repository contains experimental workflow and all related artifacts as portable, customizable and reusable Collective Knowledge components for image classification from the 1st ReQuEST tournament at ASPLOS'18 on reproducible SW/HW co-design of deep learning (speed, accuracy, energy, costs).


Artifact check-list

Details: Link

  • Algorithm: image classification with ResNet-50, Inception-V3, and SSD
  • Program:
  • Compilation: Intel C++ Compiler 17.0.5 20170817
  • Transformations:
  • Binary: will be compiled on a target platform
  • Data set: ImageNet 2012 validation (50,000 images)
  • Run-time environment:
KMP AFFINITY=granularity=fine,compact
  • Hardware: single socket (18 cores) on AWS c5.18xlarge
  • Run-time state:
  • Execution: automated via CK command line
  • Metrics:
Throughput: images per second.
Latency: milli-second.
Accuracy: % top-1/top-5/mAP.
  • Output: classification result; execution time; accuracy
  • Experiments:
We use batch size 64, 64, and 32 to measure the
throughput for ResNet-50, Inception-V3, and SSD respectively.
We use batch size 1 to measure the latency.

Installation instructions

Minimal CK installation

The minimal installation requires:

  • Python 2.7 or 3.3+ (limitation is mainly due to unitests)
  • Git command line client.

You can install CK in your local user space as follows:

$ git clone http://github.com/ctuning/ck
$ export PATH=$PWD/ck/bin:$PATH

You can also install CK via PIP with sudo to avoid setting up environment variables yourself:

$ sudo pip install ck

Install Intel Caffe from the ReQuEST artifact branch

$ ck pull repo:ck-request-asplos18-caffe-intel
$ ck install package:lib-caffe-intel-request-cpu

Install Intel Caffe from the ACM Digital Library snapshot

It is possible to install and test the snapshot of this workflow from the ACM Digital Library without interfering with your current CK installation. Download related file "request-asplos18-artifact-?-ck-workflow.zip" to a temporary directory, unzip it and then execute the following commands:

$ . ./prepare_virtual_ck.sh
$ . ./start_virtual_ck.sh

All CK repositories will be installed in your current directory. You can now proceed with further evaluation as described below.

Install Intel Caffe from the ACM Digital Library Docker image

It is also possible to use the Docker image for this workflow from the ACM Digital Library. Download related file "request-asplos18-artifact-?-docker.tar" to a temporary directory and then execute the following commands:

$ ck import docker:request-asplos18-caffe-intel-ubuntu16.04-py35 --filename=request-asplos18-artifact-1-docker.tar  --sudo
$ ck run docker:request-asplos18-caffe-intel-ubuntu16.04-py35 --sudo

Install global software dependencies for Caffe (Ubuntu)

Please, follow installation guide from the ck-caffe repository:

Installing general dependencies

$ sudo apt install coreutils \
                   build-essential \
                   make \
                   cmake \
                   wget \
                   git \
                   python \

Installing essential Caffe dependencies

$ sudo apt install libleveldb-dev \
                   libsnappy-dev \

Installing optional Caffe dependencies

CK can automatically build the following dependencies from source using versions that should work well together. Installing via apt, however, is somewhat faster.

$ sudo apt install libboost-all-dev \
                   libgflags-dev \
                   libgoogle-glog-dev \
                   libhdf5-serial-dev \
                   liblmdb-dev \
                   libprotobuf-dev \
                   protobuf-compiler \
$ sudo pip install protobuf

Install reference Caffe CPU version

You can install reference Caffe CPU version using the following CK package:

$ ck install package:lib-caffe-bvlc-master-cpu-universal

You can use it to prepare ImageNet validation datasets

Install ImageNet validation datasets

NB: If you already have the ImageNet validation dataset downloaded, e.g. in /datasets/ilsvrc2012_val/, you can simply register it with CK as follows:

$ ck detect soft:dataset.imagenet.val \

Reduced (500 images)

$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-val-min

Full (50,000 images)

$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-val

Install Caffe models and resize ImageNet dataset

NB: If you already have the ImageNet validation dataset resized as an LMDB file, e.g. in /datasets/dataset-imagenet-ilsvrc2012-val-lmdb-dataset.imagenet.val-ilsvrc2012_val_full-resize-320/data/data.mdb, you can register it with CK as follows:

$ ck detect soft:dataset.imagenet.val.lmdb \


NB: ResNet50 uses an ImageNet mean file of resolution 224x224, so the inputs must match that.

$ ck install ck-caffe:package:imagenet-2012-val-lmdb-224
$ ck install ck-caffe:package:caffemodel-resnet50
$ ck install ck-request-asplos18-caffe-intel:package:caffemodel-resnet50-intel-i8


NB: Inception-v3 uses an ImageNet mean file of resolution 320x320, so the inputs must match that.

$ ck install ck-caffe:package:imagenet-2012-val-lmdb-320
$ ck install ck-caffe:package:caffemodel-inception-v3
$ ck install ck-request-asplos18-caffe-intel:package:caffemodel-inception-v3-intel-i8


$ ck install package:caffemodel-ssd-voc-300

Detect Intel compilers and install Intel Caffe

You must have Intel compilers installed on your system, for example in /opt/intel. In such case you can register Intel compilers in the CK as follows:

$ ck detect soft:compiler.icc --search_dirs=/opt/intel

$ ck show env --tags=compiler

You can now install Intel Caffe as follows (select detect Intel compiler if asked by CK):

$ ck install package:lib-caffe-intel-request-cpu

Usage instructions

Measure accuracy

$ ck run program:caffe --cmd_key=test_cpu


Measure latency

$ ck run program:caffe --cmd_key=time_cpu --env.CK_CAFFE_BATCH_SIZE=1

Measure throughput

$ ck run program:caffe --cmd_key=time_cpu --env.CK_CAFFE_BATCH_SIZE=64

Explore performance

Explore how the execution time is affected by changing:

  • [nt] the number of OpenMP threads (e.g. from 1 to 20 on a 10-core machine with hyperthreading);
  • [bs] the batch size (e.g. from 1 to 64).

NB: You may want to change the bs and nt space exploration parameters, as well as platform_tags in the benchmarking.py script before launching it as follows:

$ python `ck find script:explore-batch-size-openmp-threads`/benchmarking.py

Unify output and add extra dimensions

Scripts to unify all experiments and add extra dimensions in ReQuEST format for further comparison and visualization are available in the following entry:

$ cd `ck find ck-request-asplos18-caffe-intel:script:explore-batch-size-openmp-threads`
  • benchmark-merge-performance-with-accuracy.py - merges performance entries with accuracy
  • benchmark-add-dimensions-*.py - adds extra dimensions for different platforms

CPU price is taken from here.

All updated experimental results are then moved to ck-request-asplos18-results-caffe-intel repository. The best configurations are also moved to ck-request-asplos18-results repo.

See accepted results on the live scoreboard


Further discussions