eeglcf: Readme
This package implements the Localized Component Filtering (LCF) method for EEG artifact rejection.
Code Example
Let b_data be a numpy.ndarray containing the result of applying a BSS method to EEG data, and a_data be an alternative "cleaner" version of the previous. Let these variable have dimensions CxTxE, where C, T and E are the number of channels, time samples and events respectively. Then, LCF can be applied as:
import eeglcf
c_data = eeglcf.lcf(b_data, a_data)
where c_data is a new version of the BSS data built from the mixing of b_data and a_data.
To install this package, you can use the make file. From the root directory of the package, run:
make install
The installation of the dependencies NumPy and SciPy may fail. It is recommended to install these packages manually.
To test the package against your installed python version, from the root directory of the package you can run:
make test
Issues and comments
Please, file an issue if you encounter any problem with the package or if you have any suggestions.
The eeglcf framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.