
A simple tool that helps with common scenarios while using Entity Framework Core command-line tool (dotnet-ef)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status ctyar.ef-contrib

A simple tool that helps with common scenarios while using Entity Framework Core command-line tool (dotnet-ef). ef-contrib is designed to make everyday job easier.

Get started

Download the .NET Core SDK.

Once installed, run this command:

$ dotnet tool install --global ctyar.ef-contrib

And run the tool with:

$ ef-contrib


With dotnet-ef, if you want to recreate the current migration that you are working on you have to execute multiple commands to first revert the current changes and then create a fresh migration. With ef-contrib, you can do this in a single command.

ef-contrib recreate

instead of

// Revert the changes from current migration
dotnet ef database update MyPreviousMigration
dotnet ef migrations remove

// Create a fresh migration
dotnet ef migrations add MyNewMigration
dotnet ef database update


With dotnet-ef, if you want to merge two migrations into one you have to first remove them and then recreate them again as one.

ef-contrib squash

instead of

// Remove the last two migrations
dotnet ef database update MyMigrationBeforeAnyOfThese
dotnet ef migrations remove
dotnet ef migrations remove

// Add the migration again
dotnet ef migrations add MyNewMigration
dotnet ef database update


Adding and removing migrations also comes with another step to keep the database in sync. ef-contrib handles this part automatically.

ef-contrib add

instead of

dotnet ef migrations add MyNewMigration
dotnet ef database update


If you happen to have multiple DbContexts or your DbContext is in a different project you have to add a lot of arguments every time you execute a command. With ef-contrib config, you can save all these configs in your project, and efcotrib ef takes care of adding those arguments to your calls.

// Just once to config
ef-contrib config

ef-contrib ef migrations list

instead of

dotnet ef migrations list --project MyCompany.Product.EfProject --startup-project MyCompany.Product.MainProject

Pre-release builds

Get the package from here.


Install .NET Core SDK.


$ dotnet tool restore
$ dotnet-cake