The scene understanding package for the GoodBot project for CSCI 7000. The package is composed of the Scene Understanding module, a ROS wrapper class, and custom ROS messages.
The ROS wrapper class handles subscribing and publishing to topics for scene and image data.
To build the package, clone it to the src/
folder of your catkin workspace. Then navigate to the root of that workspace and run
$ catkin_make
To run the ROS node, make sure you've sourced your workspace by running
$ source <your workspace root>/devel/setup.bash
then run
$ roslaunch scene_understanding scene_understanding.launch
Check that scene information is being published to the /scene_info
by running
$ rostopic echo /scene_info
This package defines two custom ROS messages: a DetectedObject message, and a Scene message.
The Scene message contains:
- header -- standard ROS message header of type Header
- objects -- array of DetectedObject messages
The DetectedObject message contains:
- header -- standard ROS message header of type Header
- label -- string name of object
- bounding_box_center -- 2 element float32 array with object bounding box center in image coords
- bounding_box_corners -- 4 element float32 array with bounding box corners in image coords clockwise from bottom left