
markup for entries written by scribe

njr2128 opened this issue · 9 comments

Inspired by #2010, add a 'hand' attribute to indicate entries written by scribe?

attribute = hand
value = any string (scribe1, scribe2)

schema to be updated too (new issue)

values will be what Marc Smith assigned them, i.e., hand A, B, etc

as per #2013, attribute values are:

  • handa'
  • handb
  • handc
  • handd

abs to be assigned this attribute are based off of the ed comments. The relevant ones are pulled into the sheet from 2ef5ae2

Note: any heads written by a scribe are not caught with this solution on the level of abs as heads are outside them. We could add this as an attribute to heads as well...

On 57v, there is an issue in accurately capturing the hands at the very end of the page. In the last ab, a scribe is writing, but then the AP takes over in the final sentence:

This sentence is not a new ab as it is part of that section of text and because we want this sentence to render inline with the rest. I think marking the entire ab as hand D and letting the ed comment account for the last sentence is the best solution.

just realized that 170v is written in hand E which I did not add as an attribute value. Need to update schema first, then will edit this.

all hand attributes have been added to the xml