
Spring Security, Backend Development using Spring Boot, and connecting with MongoDB. Implemented a demo project, an e-commerce backend, using admin and user roles. Testing was done using Postman.

MIT LicenseMIT

InfoSB_EMW_Daily Progress - 18/11/2024

Spring Security, Backend Development using Spring Boot, and connecting with MongoDB. Implemented a demo project, an e-commerce backend, using admin and user roles. Testing was done using Postman.

Session Summary - 18th January 2024

  • Spring Security:

    • Introduction to Spring Security components and their implementation in a backend project.
    • Covered essential annotations and features:
      • @RestController: Defines RESTful web services.
      • @Service: Indicates a service layer class, handling business logic.
      • @Autowired: Used for dependency injection to connect components automatically.
      • @RequestBody: Maps HTTP request bodies to Java objects.
      • @RequestMapping: Maps HTTP requests to handler methods.
  • Demo Project:

    • A basic e-commerce backend where:
      • Admin: Can add or delete products.
      • User: Can only view products.
    • MongoDB: Used as the database for the project, with basic CRUD operations.
    • Focused solely on backend functionality; no frontend or role-based authentication was implemented.
  • API Testing with Postman:

    • Postman was used to test the APIs developed during the session:
      • Admin routes for adding/deleting products.
      • User route for viewing available products.

Appreciation and Acknowledgment

Thanks to Rajesh J. Reddy for an insightful session on Spring Security and backend development. The practical demo project enhanced our understanding of API development and database integration.

MIT License

This repository is shared under the MIT License.