
Dashboard charts addon provides additional charts widget for Dashboard CUBA add-on

Primary LanguageXSLT

Dashboard Chart Add-on

This add-on provides an additional chart widget for Dashboards Add-on. The component enables creating a chart widget using data from reports. You can configure charts as reports in the report editor.


Before installation the add-on install Dashboards add-on following the installation instructions.

The Dashboard Chart add-on can be added to your project in one of the ways described below. Installation from the Marketplace is the simplest way. The last version of the add-on compatible with the used version of the platform will be installed. Also, you can install the add-on by coordinates choosing the required version of the add-on from the table.

In case you want to install the add-on by manual editing or by building from sources see the complete add-ons installation guide in CUBA Platform documentation.

From the Marketplace

  1. Open your application in CUBA Studio. Check the latest version of CUBA Studio on the CUBA Platform site.
  2. Go to CUBA -> Marketplace in the main menu.


  1. Find the Dashboard Chart add-on there.


  1. Click Install and apply the changes. The add-on corresponding to the used platform version will be installed.

By coordinates

  1. Open your application in CUBA Studio. Check the latest version of CUBA Studio on the CUBA Platform site.
  2. Go to CUBA -> Marketplace in the main menu.
  3. Click the icon in the upper-right corner.


  1. Paste the add-on coordinates in the corresponding field as follows:

com.haulmont.addon.dashboardchart:dashboardchart-global:<add-on version>

where <add-on version> is compatible with the used version of the CUBA platform.

Platform Version Add-on Version
7.2.X 1.3.0
7.1.X 1.2.0
7.0.X 1.1.0
6.10.X 1.0.0
  1. Click Install and apply the changes. The add-on will be installed to your project.


Component provides a chart widget for dashboards. A chart can be configured as a report in Reports browser.


Available Widget Settings:


  • Report - a report which contains a chart template.
  • Template - a chart template.
  • Refresh automatically - if checked then a chart will be updated automatically on dashboard update.