- 2
- 0
Partitioning of search in index
#85 opened by sergeev-ms - 1
- 0
- 1
Changes are not registered in the Entity log
#82 opened by skatova - 1
- 0
FtsManager.reindexNextBatch method doesn't work
#79 opened by Ilya-c - 1
Design-time roles are not indexed
#77 opened by lovtsovaik - 0
reindexAll method returns exception if project contains entities from additional datastore
#76 opened by natfirst - 1
- 0
Update TIKA parsers dependency to 1.23
#74 opened by andreysubbotin - 1
- 0
Search returns results in different order
#70 opened by Ilya-c - 0
Create predefined design-time roles for FTS
#71 opened by natfirst - 0
FTS processQueue fails if some indexed text file is missed in AWS s3 storage
#69 opened by IskandarovRost - 0
- 0
FTS search result - no such screen error
#68 opened by markabdev - 1
- 0
Optionally do not index file content
#67 opened by gorbunkov - 2
FTS for browser screens loads immediately hit infos and tooltip description for all searched entities
#60 opened by andreysubbotin - 0
Limit the length of the hit information
#61 opened by gorbunkov - 2
Display FTS tooltips in DataGrid component
#65 opened by gorbunkov - 0
- 1
- 0
Entity update and delete removes other entities with the same ID from the fts index
#64 opened by gorbunkov - 1
Fts cannot find roles after reindexing
#59 opened by Flaurite - 1
- 0
Update Lucene dependency
#58 opened by andreysubbotin - 0
- 0
- 0
Search results by phrase term contains extra text data that consumes extra memory
#56 opened by andreysubbotin - 2
- 1
- 0
FTS indexing spends most of time fetching entitities one by one from database
#46 opened by alexbudarov - 3
Show Lucene index format version in jmx
#52 opened by alexbudarov - 1
Update Spring version to 5.1
#51 opened by andreysubbotin - 2
Exceeding indexSearcherProvider.acquireIndexSearcher() invocation in LuceneSearcherBean.searchAllField()
#50 opened by gorbunkov - 2
Expose LRUQueryCache statistics to JMX
#48 opened by alexbudarov - 2
Upgrade FTS dependencies
#49 opened by knstvk - 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Move resources to com.haulmont.fts package
#44 opened by knstvk - 1
Support Java 9 and 10 for FTS
#43 opened by andreysubbotin - 1
- 3
FTS add-on localization doesn't work
#35 opened by natfirst - 4
- 3
- 2
- 2
NoSuchMethodException: org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.impl.CTPictureBaseImpl.<init> for entity with office attachment
#36 opened by andreysubbotin