
My Blog found at sudo-code.herokuapp.com

Primary LanguageRuby

My Blog

This is my blog which can be found at sudo-code.herokuapp.com

Useful Rails Commands

Basic Rails Commands

Create a new project

$ rails new <project_name>

Rails server

$ rails server


$ rails s

Rails server with debug

Requires to have rails-server inside your gemfile

$ rails server --debug

Bundle Commands

Install Bundles defined in Gemfile

$ bundle install --without production

without production does not install production bundles (unnecessary for development environment)

Generate Scaffold

A scaffold includes a number of files and settings to get you started with a resource, including routes and pages utilizing the REST architectural style and the corresponding CRUD operations (new, update(edit), read(show) and delete).

$ rails generate scaffold <Model_singular_capitalized> column1:column_type column2:column_type ...


$ rails generate scaffold User username:string age:integer admin:boolean

Generate Model

Just to generate model, without the controller, pages, etc:

Generate Controller

Does not generate models/routes etc. Just the controller with the defined actions

$ rails generate controller <Name_plural_capitalized> action1 action2 etc... --no-test-framework


$ rails generate controller StaticPages home help --no-test-framework

can append --no-test-framework to skip generating of default (empty) tests

Run a migration for current environment

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Undo a single migration

$ rake db:rollback

Undo all migrations

$ rake db:migrate VERSION=0

Run a migration for unit tests

$ bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

Github Commands

Initialise local repository, add all files and create an 'Initial commit'

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Add remote repository

You will need to create one in github first

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:<username>/<appname>.git
$ git push -u origin master

Push to Github

$ git push


Heroku Initial Setup and Initial Push

$ heroku create --stack cedar
$ git push heroku master

Heroku push

$ git push heroku

View heroku logs

Useful when you run into any problems

$ heroku logs

RSpec Commands

First configure rails to use rspec instead of Test::Unit

$ rails generate rspec:install

Generate an integration test

$ rails generate integration_test static_pages

Run the test(s)

$ bundle exec rspec spec/

or you can define a path to run a single test or a test in a particular path

$ bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb