
A swift framework for rapidly building forms

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



  • Easy integration
  • Handles most common form entries



Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate FormKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "cuba/FormKit" ~> 1.8

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built FormKit.framework into your Xcode project.


Here are the instructions on how to integrate form kit in your application. For a full working example, please look at the Example app in this repository.


To integrate form kit in your ViewController extend the FormTableViewController

import FormKit

class ViewController: FormTableViewController {
    // Your view controller logic

Setting up the content

Make sure you implement the FormDataSource protocol

extension ViewController: FormDataSource {
    func makeSections() -> [FormSection] {
        return [
            FormSection(title: "Strings", rows: [
                StringField(key: "string_field", label: "String Field", type: .text, value: "Initial value")
    func cell(forCustomRow formRow: FormRow, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        // Provide cells for custom FormRows
        fatalError("You need to provide a UITableViewCell for custom FormRows")

And set the form data source on the parent

class ViewController: FormTableViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.formDataSource = self
        // other intialization logic ...

Listening to form changes

To get form changes, implement the FormDelegate protocol.

extension ViewController: FormDelegate {
    func updatedField(_ field: SavableField, at indexPath: IndexPath) {
        // Handle any mapping to your model
        example.map(field: field)
    func performAction(forCustomRow row: FormRow, at indexPath: IndexPath) {
        // Implement a custom action on a row

And set the form delegate on the parent

class ViewController: FormTableViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.formDataSource = self
        self.formDelegate = self
        // other intialization logic ...

All built in fields except for StandardField implement the SavableField protocol and will trigger the func updatedField(_ field: SavableField, at indexPath: IndexPath) delegate method.


Built in fields

The following fields are supported:

StringField TextAreaField DateField NumberField BoolField SingleSelectField MultipleSelectField SignatureField StandardField

Custom Fields

You may also create custom fields by implementing the FormRow protocol.

If you do this, will need to provide a cell for your custom field in the FormDataSource method.

func cell(forCustomRow formRow: FormRow, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    // Return a cell for your custom row

Synchronizing Data

You may use the following convenience methods to syncronize your models on form changes.

myModel.name <- ("name", field)

For this to work your field needs to implement the SavableField protocol. All built in fields (except for StandardField) implement this protocol already.

In addition, one (and only one) field has the key "name". The convienience method will ignore all fields that don't have the key provided.

Customized mapping

If you require more customized logic, you may do the following:

if field.isField(forKey: "name") {
    let name: String? = field.saveValue()
    // Do something custom with name

Field provider

The field provider is a quick way of setting static content on a field such as a key or title and helps in syncronizing the data back to your model. First create an object (preferrably enum) that implements the FieldProvider protocol.

Here is an example:

enum SignatureFieldProvider: String, FieldProvider {
    case name               = "name"
    case date               = "date"
    case signature          = "signature"
    var key: String {
        return rawValue
    var label: String {
        switch self {
        case .name              : return "Full Name"
        case .date              : return "Date signed"
        case .signature         : return "Click to sign your form"
    var options: FieldOptions {
        return [.required]

Creating fields using FieldProvider

We can create our fields easily using the field provider like this:

FormSection(title: "Signature", rows: [
    StringField(provider: SignatureFieldProvider.name, type: .text, value: myModel.name),
    DateField(provider: SignatureFieldProvider.date, type: .date, date: example.date),
    SignatureField(provider: SignatureFieldProvider.signature, image: example.signature)

Syncronizing fields using the FieldProvider

In addition we can save our fields back on our model like this:

myModel.name <- (SignatureFieldProvider.name, field)


if field.isField(for: SignatureFieldProvider.name) {
    let name: String? = field.saveValue()
    // Do something custom with name


FormKit is only usable on iOS 10 or above.


FormKit is owned and maintained by Jacob Sikorski.


FormKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3