
A powerful object mapping framework for swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A powerful JSON serialization framework for swift 4.2 which works on iOS and server side frameworks like Vapor 3.

Swift 4.2 Vapor 3 iOS 8 Carthage SPM GitHub



  • Can map objects to JSON, from JSON or both
  • Allows you create objects that are only "to" JSON encodable or only "from" JSON
  • Easy integration
  • Handles common object types
  • Easily extensible
  • Uses swift 4.2
  • Supports iOS 8 and up
  • Carthage support
  • SPM support


For the full documentation, click here: https://cuba.github.io/MapCodableKit/

Import MapCodableKit

Add the following to the top of any swift file using MapCodableKit

import MapCodableKit 

Mapping to JSON

To be able to map your object to json, your object needs to implement the MapEncodable protocol

struct MyModel: MapEncodable {
    let id: String
    let name: String

    init(id: String, name: String) {
        self.id = id
        self.name = name

    func fill(map: Map) {
        map.add(id, forKey: "id")
        map.add(name, forKey: "name")

Then you can get any json data like this

// Initialize your object
let myModel = MyModel(id: "123", name: "Jim Halpert")

// To get a json string (i.e. `String`)
let jsonString = try myModel.jsonString(options: [.prettyPrinted], encoding: .utf8)

// To get a json data (i.e. `Data`)
let jsonData = try myModel.jsonData(options: [.prettyPrinted])

// To get a json object (i.e. `[String: Any]`)
let json = try myModel.json()

Mapping from JSON

To be able to map your object to json, your object needs to implement the MapDecodable protocol

struct MyModel: MapDecodable {
    let id: String
    let name: String

    init(map: Map) throws {
        self.id     = try map.value(fromKey: "id")
        self.name   = try map.value(fromKey: "name")

Then you can initialize your object like this:

let myModel = MyModel(id: "123", name: "Jim Halpert")

// Initialize from a json string (i.e. `String`)
let jsonString = ...get your `json` string from somewhere like the network
let myModel = try MyModel(jsonString: jsonString, encoding: .utf8)

// Intialize from json data (i.e. `Data`)
let jsonData = ...get your `JSON` data from somewhere like the network
let myModel = try MyModel(jsonData: hsonData, encoding: .utf8)

// Initialize from a json object (i.e. `[String: Any]`)
let json = ["id": "234", "name": "Pam Beezley"]
let jsonString = try MyModel(json: json)

Mapping Both Ways

To map your object both ways, just implement both MapDecodable and MapEncodable. As a convenience you can also use MapCodable

Serializing a custom object

Sometimes you need to serialize a custom object. For this you can use MapEncoder and MapDecoder (MapCoder for both). A simple exaple of this is the built in URLCoder

public class URLCoder: MapCoder {

    public init() {}

    public func toMap(value: URL) -> String? {
        return value.absoluteString

    public func fromMap(value: String) throws -> URL? {
        return URL(string: value)


You can also use generics if you chose. Here is an example of a generic used for serializing a response:

struct ListBody<T: MapEncodable>: MapEncodable {
    let key: String
    let objects: [T]

    init(key: String, objects: [T]) {
        self.key = key
        self.objects = objects

    func fill(map: Map) throws {
        try map.add(objects, forKey: key)

Nested objects

You can get or set an object nested in a dictionary or an array.

For a nested object in a dictionary, just seperate your keys using a .. For example the key abc.def will return an object with the key def in a parent object.

You may also get the first object in an array. For example, the key def[0] will return the first object in an array def.

You may chain as many of these as you would like. For example, abc.def[0] will return the first object in an array def which is itself nested in the object abc.

Note: only the first object 0 is supported for now. using any value other than 0 will give you a MappingError when trying to save to write the value.

Supported Types


MapCodableKit supports any MapPrimitive variables. MapPrimitive are any json primitives such as:

  • String
  • Double
  • Bool
  • Int
  • Int8
  • Int16
  • Int32
  • Int64
  • UInt
  • UInt8
  • UInt16
  • UInt32
  • UInt64
  • Array of MapPrimitive objects
  • Dictionary of MapPrimitive objects (i.e. [Key: MapPrimitive])

Note: if you request a String for any value that does not parse to a string it will fail serialization. This includes nested objects and arrays since they entire JSON structure is already parsed.

Enums (RawRepresentable)

Raw representable objects are usually enums. They are suppoted fully in this library.

Nested Codable objects

Codable objects that are either Encodable or Decodable or both are supported.

Nested MapCodable objects

Your models may contains nested MapCodable objects, Sets, Arrays or Dictionaries.


Sets are supported for the following types:

  • MapPrimitive (strings, integers, booleans, doubles etc ...)
  • RawRepresentable (enums)
  • MapEncodable (read only nested objects)
  • MapDecodable (write only nested objects)
  • MapCodable (read and write nested objects)


Arrays are supported for the following types:

  • MapPrimitive (strings, integers, booleans, doubles etc ...)
  • RawRepresentable (enums)
  • MapEncodable (read only nested objects)
  • MapDecodable (write only nested objects)
  • MapCodable (read and write nested objects)

Dictionaries (with String keys)

Arrays are supported for the following types:

  • MapPrimitive (strings, integers, booleans, doubles etc ...)
  • RawRepresentable (enums)
  • MapEncodable (read only nested objects)
  • MapDecodable (write only nested objects)
  • MapCodable (read and write nested objects)


Package Manager

Package manager is a powerful packaging tool built into xcode. For the full documentation on how to use package manager, click here


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate MapCodableKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "cuba/MapCodableKit" ~> 1.1

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built MapCodableKit.framework into your Xcode project.


Framework is the only dependency 😁


MapCodableKit is owned and maintained by Jacob Sikorski.

MapCodableKit is largely inspired by ObjectMapper.


MapCodableKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details