
Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Edge GPT

The reverse engineering the chat feature of the new version of Bing

PyPI version Python version

Table of Contents


Install package

python3 -m pip install EdgeGPT --upgrade


Checking access (Required)

  • Install the latest version of Microsoft Edge
  • Open http://bing.com/chat
  • If you see a chat feature, you are good to go

Getting authentication (Required)

  • Install the cookie editor extension for Chrome or Firefox
  • Go to bing.com
  • Open the extension
  • Click "Export" on the bottom right (This saves your cookies to clipboard)
  • Paste your cookies into a file cookies.json


Quick start

 $ python3 -m EdgeGPT -h

        EdgeGPT - A demo of reverse engineering the Bing GPT chatbot
        Repo: github.com/acheong08/EdgeGPT
        By: Antonio Cheong

        !help for help

        Type !exit to exit
        Enter twice to send message or set --enter-once to send one line message

usage: EdgeGPT.py [-h] [--enter-once] [--no-stream] [--style {creative,balanced,precise}] --cookie-file COOKIE_FILE

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --style {creative,balanced,precise}
  --cookie-file COOKIE_FILE

Developer demo

Three ways to pass in cookies:

  • Environment variable: export COOKIE_FILE=/path/to/cookies.json.

  • Specify the path to cookies.json in the argument cookiePath like this:

    bot = Chatbot(cookiePath='./cookie.json')
  • Pass in the cookies directly by the argument cookies, like this:

    with open('./cookie.json', 'r') as f:
        cookies = json.load(f)
    bot = Chatbot(cookies=cookies)

Use Async for the best experience

Reference code for more advanced example of usage:

import asyncio
from EdgeGPT import Chatbot, ConversationStyle

async def main():
    bot = Chatbot()
    print(await bot.ask(prompt="Hello world", conversation_style=ConversationStyle.creative))
    await bot.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Work in progress

  • Error handling

Star History

Star History Chart


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.