
this is where I keep a bunch of micro-libraries that I like to use again and again in things

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS Util Template

Hey, self: I've made this a template repo, so that you can copy it and cook up js libraries for personal use using the GitHub Packages pipeline.

It's set up to take whatever npm package that lives within it and stuff it into GitHub Packages under your namespace automagically (delete this template message when you copy the repo)

Step 0:

  • Change the package.json to reflect the actual package details
  • Add code to index.js
  • That's pretty much it

The reference package is this one:


dirt-quick utility functions wrapping node's child_process that I use in automation tasks so that I don't need to remember exactly how child_process works every time

let {run, pipe, runBg} = require('@cube-drone/rundmc`)

async function main(){
    await run('echo toots')
    let linesOfText = await pipe('docker ps -a')
    for(let line of linesOfText){
    let proc = runBg('node longRunning.thing')
    // do some stuff